It's to refer to mainly BMW' and Mercedes in the states, German cars specifically
Check out that Bavarian car crew over there, they have alot of Bimmers, Benz and Porsche's!
Spot-cleaning your vehicle with the window squegee provided at the gas pump.
I had some bird poop on my trunk so I removed it with the Mexican car wash.
Car-ogance law states that whenever cyclists raise valid questions about their safety or discomforts that within three responses car owners will try to bend the topic/discussion about the own responsibility and unsafe behavior of that cyclist.
Example 1:
"Yesterday I got hospitalized because I got doored by a car-owner that opened his door"
"Those damn cyclists should wear a helmet. It is your own fault!"
"You're showing car-ogance and should keep your attention on the traffic instead of opening the car door without looking"
Example 2:
"I don't feel safe on the roads of Amsterdam sharing the road with SUV's."
"Cyclists always run a red light. You should follow the rules."
"You are showing car-ogance and should be aware that other people are also in traffic without a car."
"Car-ogance law strikes! You're showing car-ogance and should keep your attention on the traffic instead of opening the car door without looking"
My little barbie dream car is something you call someone who's precious to you.
"Oh! My little barbie dream car! Did you sleep well last night?"
"My barbie dream car, i miss you<3"
Used as a slang
no particular meaning
1:hi where r u going
2:In ur mom's car
1 shot of teaquila (1 part tea 1 part taquila) dropped in a cup of rollig rock beer.
“Yo Zach and I dropped a Scummit Car Bomb at midnight. Shit clapped.”
American pronounciation of Nagorny Karabakh, an Armenian speaking supposedly autonomous region in Azerbaijan, which until recently hosted a separatist republic od Artsakh. The transition of this territory to the hands of it's internationally recognized owner had to do with Russia, whom Amrenia has aliance with, was too busy supposedly protecting it's own people in Donbass by shooting rockets as far as Lviv to help. It didn't help that Azerbaijan is allied with Turkey, a problematic NATO member.
Yo dude, what's goin' on with that Nag-horny-car-aback thing around Georgia or somewhere?