A person who tries really hard. Same meaning as a "try-hard" but pronouncing it in a different manor. Often used in online games or real life situations.
Phil is a tree-hard at getting girls and he still cant get a girlfriend.
That kid with the UMP is such a tree-hard.
“I’m the tree bitch I speak for the trees”
is yr best best friend have a good chat with
aw ok yukka tree
my bestie taylah biggest yukka tree
Someone who looks for people to date that are much taller than they are
Person A:“I Can’t date a guy under 6’2”; that’s too short”
Person B: “You’re 5’3” you’re definitely a Tree Chaser”
tree chaser- a girl or guy that despite their small stature only pursues those that are much taller than them.
Bro your sister is a tree chaser she's 5’2” and she's out here trying to hook up with guys that are 6’0” +
the art of putting pine needles in your girls anus before you eat the booty to mask the smell
"yall better give that bitch a scandanavian christmas tree before you go sticking your face up in there"
Tree Surfing is a new extreme sport. where you get a car that has a flat surface on top of the car,hood or trunk is not recommended because all extreme sports are dangerous like skate boarding and snow boarding...etc. so you basically have a really good driver who can not swerve or jerk the wheels while he/she drive and you on top of the car standing up. the legends can go at higher speeds.. amateurs start off with lower speeds. like normal surfing, you have to do it with your bare feet...but if you not doing it for a sports game and competing or showing off how good you are. i see no harm with any type of shoes. but its not tree surfing then. and socks are too slippery. epic fail . i really enjoy it, its really fun, so i know a lot of people dont know it so im sharing it with everyone. check the official rules for more detes which is details. you should add that too urban dictionary under a different definition. tree surfing is also done in traffic, you cant block off traffic , so be careful. this sport was created by ABSOLUTE ALMIGHTY GOD THE CREATOR OF ALL Son. like other words on urban dictionary, some people have different meaning for words
i just got back from tree surfing and so many girls love me now for it. i just lost my virginity, finally.