The Act of shaKing a vending machine to liberate chocolate
You can shake the machine, just don't give it a K-Cuz Shake!
the best first-name initial relationship. these two will always love each other no matter the circumstances. through every problem and roadblock, they will stick together.
man k has such a good relationship with a.
i wish i could be like k+a
She’s a beautiful girl..someone I can see myself with in the future I know we’re young Kimani but I’m old enough to know what love is I love you Kimani..I love you so much I want you to be my girlfriend.. you are the most beautiful, talented, kind girl I’ve ever met my only wish is to be with you forever.. I want to take care of you I love you Kimani
This is people sexually attracted to people named Kalem
Kalem is really hot, I might be k-sexual
A man/woman that reply's to EVERYTHING with k
Me: hey want to go to a movie?
K-man: k
Me: are you coming or not?
K-man: Maybe k
When your cat jumps on your keyboard and starts playing on it
Man1: Hey Kitty! Jump off the keyboard now!!!
*looks at his email*
*Dear sir,
kdzfhg a;oibrugirjbelkyioybluaer uirhgah;k fslghjkvb;oigfxuyhioerhtl'p*
*with a final paw at the enter key, his e-mail is sent*
Zoe k is a popular girl in high school and will think that she is just so amazing even when she is insecure and rude