white on youtube this title this is my new song
Chris C x Florin - Tot Ce Conteaza
Chris C x Florin - Tot Ce Conteaza
Alright I don't think that will exist
Like how can I get info about World War X?
the type of guy that will have devils tango whenever and wherever. (likes to lick people too)
Person 1: Lil Nas right now and right here
Lil Nas X:Bet
When Teoman and jeison are getting shipped
Teoman and jeison like to kiss and make out vigorously
I want to see Teoman X Jeison everyday
The problem, often not discovered until late in life,
is that when you look for things in life like
love, meaning, motivation,
it implies they are sitting behind a tree or under a rock.
The most successful people in life recognize,
that in life they create their own love,
they manufacture their own meaning,
they generate their own motivation.
For me, I am driven by two main philosophies:
Know more today about the world than I knew yesterday.
And lessen the suffering of others.
You'd be surprised how far that gets you.
-Neill deGrasse Tyson ✝ 58-X
When you first start to ride a dragon in Skyrim and these words NEVER leave the screen
Dragonborn! Use X to land!