Charlie the flop is the flop
other: what is this charlie the flop
me: who* he is the flop
When ur husband wants sex, n u wanna b a good wife.... but U don't want sex... so after saying no 100x u just lay there limp as a noodle n let him do it... then u stand up squat n cough n let his cum run into ur hand... then throw it at him... that's a chuckin Charlie
I pulled a chuckin Charlie lastnight...
The absolute goat that everybody loves because he is the goat
Bruh its the goat charlie teal
A demented human with a strange obsession with writing and drawing. Will be very aggressive when sketchbook is stolen. Observe the wild Charlie from a distance for safety. They tend to have dark brown hair (length varies) and brown eyes, but they wish they had a different eye colour because they think that brown = boring. They also want to die their hair some sort of colour that looks like toxic sludge because they think that their hair is also boring, but they don't want to murder their hair with dye.
They want to cut their hair and call their friends idiot sandwiches, quoting the chef Gordon Ramsay. Their friend *is* Gordon Ramsay, so don't question the lovely lovely logic of the wild Charlie. Their friend, Gordon Ramsay, tends to call people buckets and monsters, influencing the wild Charlie to call them an idiot sandwich. They laugh too much and when they listen to their own voice they realize how weird they sound. When happy, they sound like a mutated chipmunk. Mildly concerning, but it is the normal behaviour of a wild Charlie.
"Watch the strange behaviour of The Wild Charlie."
Fit ass bitch who is sick at football and has a huge cock I mean huge I wouldn't mess with him as he's solid and will get his crew on u
He has a huge cock
A huge one to use to fuck all night long
A mahusive penis and if u meet a person called Charlie your lucky so don't put it to waste
Did I mention his massive pp
Guy 1=OMG Charlie Benn has a huge cock
Guy 2=Ikr
the best person in the world. he is brave, amazing and sexy. all girls want him. if you see him walk the earth. you are very lucky. however he hates when you say his last name as chapman.
person 1: I met a new person today.
person 2: Really? Who?
person 1: his name is Charlie Chipman. he's really hot
'Charlie Love' is defined as an overeager, overindulgent, clear communicative, fervent adoration and attentive love. Rose petals on the blankets, breakfast in bed, adventurous getaways, personalized luxury jewelry or gifts, massages, bombardment of kisses and touch, "I miss you"s as soon as you leave them, even just to go out for awhile. "My heart belongs to you" constant reaffirming that your love is only for them, they never have to guess how you feel, because it is reminded often, every text, every email, every phonecall. Some might call it "Puppy Dog" love, or "hormonal love", but no, it is loving with direct intention. It is a choice. A sense of being. A drive. Almost as if you are competing against another to win them over, you will do anything and everything to show them how much you love them and hope they choose you. It is romantisizing your romance. Creating a love story that you get to be a main character in along with the person who has your attention. It's long conversations, enduring yearning, caring about all things they care about, putting their feelings above your own. Never wanting to go to bed with upsets...always wanting to fix things, no matter what. It's giving up the whole world for them.
"I want Charlie Love."
"If I can't have Charlie Love, I don't want it. I don't want your scraps. I want intention. I want to be chosen. I deserve effort."
"It's so cringe. She's only using him as a distraction, but he's giving her that Charlie Love."
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