"I hate panty lines, guys look at my ass more, when I have one.
So I just be free walling"
Meaning something is very easy and not challenging
Bruh that test was free range asf
The time a guy has a reason to smack a girls ass
Bob: Hey its Free Tap Friday
Jim: I already slapped Amy's ass were good
Bob: Nice man
When a friend gets a free tap on another friend in the nuts
“Hey did you get your free tap on William? It is free tap Friday”
“Yes I did, he died”
Free thinking is when you say your thoughts out loud with no filter, whatever comes in your head comes out of your mouth. Having no regards for societal judgement and consequences but still considering the right morals. Being a Free Thinker doesn't mean you are ignorant to society, just not phased by it. Resist conformity towards societal norms of keeping thoughts to yourself by being free
Sean is such a free thinker he just says things that come to his head
The random hairs on your face that are somehow way longer and different than all the others
Person 1: yo man you’ve got a couple free thinkers
Person 2: oh shit man really thanks for the help
The act of getting a non-paid sloppy at the back of your local Harley Davidson store, usually as part of some kind of promotion.
Person 1: Yo you wanna go throw milk bottles at the baby cows in the field over there
Person 2: Nah I gotta go get my Free Sloppy at Harley Davidson