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radcliffe half

The art of promising to save someone something but leaving them with fuck all.

A: Save us half on that ciggy lad
B: Yeah no worries mate save you a radcliffe half
A: What the fuck's that?! Smoking cork here lad

by Sewy 7 September 23, 2022

half half whole

A sexual act in which the man only gives half his max length strokes until eventually giving a full length stroke

Damn I can't believe you gave Jenny the half half whole

You know it bro

by Terminus February 10, 2023

I'm Half doomed and you're semi-sweet

The speaker “half doomed” and the other person “semi-sweet” insinuates that although separately they’re only halves of a whole, together they complete each other.

What a match, I'm half doomed and you're semi-sweet

by Vampirejerk May 21, 2023

Half Dab

A Half Dab is when you place your Mouth and Nose into your Shoulder region without extending your opposite arm to its full extent.

When you go to Cough or Sneeze into your Shoulder area you do a Half Dab.

by LakeMac September 18, 2020

half birthday december 5th

you will be very lucky to have this and a friend who gives you pressies on your dec 5th half birthday!

'I have a half birthday december 5th, that means im amazing!'

by ilooooveaxotlsss December 7, 2022


Grandparent’s female half-first cousin.

My half-great-cousin-aunt is a good person.

by Gtopql November 24, 2019


Half-first cousin’s grandchild.

My half-great-cousin-nibling is a good person.

by Gtopql November 24, 2019