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a sam lorenzo moment

When you do something embarrassing in front of people you don't know well enough for it to be funny

I had a Sam Lorenzo moment during my presentation in class today when I messed up and no one laughed.

by Hdf121 December 10, 2015

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Joe Brogan moment

When a conversation is rendered incomprehensible because of idiosyncrasy.

Neil deGrasse Tyson is talking about the danger of kids, but Joe brogan interrupts him thus rendering the conversation inaudible is called a Joe Brogan moment.

by JฬทอŒฬ“อ‰ฬฏoฬดฬ‹อ ฬคฬฎeฬทฬ’ฬบ ฬถฬฬ“ฬปRฬธออ‡uฬตฬšg May 24, 2021

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Epic Gamer Moment

When you hit multiple people with your car for the lols

*gets a double kill IRL*
-Wow thatโ€™s an epic gamer moment

by Joe Moma is ugly January 13, 2021

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Quiet Bonding Moment

Formally known as an awkward silence. When you first meet someone you will often find these however "Quiet Bonding Moment" sounds better than awkward silence! Also found when yo have very little in common with someone.

Girl:What kind of music do you like?
Boy: Mostly Rock and Indie.You?
Girl Oh..I like dance and Rave.
(Quiet Bonding Moment)

by xXGunsGo___BangXx November 29, 2005

29๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Eren pfp moment

Itโ€™s when an eren pfp says something so retarted, eren pfps are known for missing. most eren pfps are 14-18, it be grown ass men having an eren pfp on tiktok missing bruh๐Ÿ’€

โ€œRape is okayโ€ *has an eren pfp* -eren pfp moment ๐Ÿ˜

by IdkIdiot July 26, 2021

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Laguna Beach Moment

A moment where you get into deep conversation with someone (often times someone you haven't talked to in a while, like an old best friend, ex boyfriend/girlfriend, or maybe even a best friend who you need to talk to), and you talk about life, and what has been going on. Often times there are long silences and it feels like there should be a song playing in the background.

Also known as a Hills Moment.

An example of this is when someone meets up with an old friend they haven't talked to in a while (perhaps at a coffee joint or a restaurant, or even at their apartment) and they meet up and talk about things and maybe even talk about being friends again, that's a Laguna Beach moment.

"Yeah, we met up and it was totally a Laguna Beach moment."

by Sean Giachetti December 12, 2007

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Woody Allen moment

relating something normal to a ridiculous conclusion

by Brian Colby November 7, 2003

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