When a person has sex with their girlfriend/boyfriend and their side chick(s).
It's Valentine's Day and I'm gonna have a big chiny way
When a crisis situation is managed badly or the measures to counter a problem are too little and too late.
Bro, why you are not taking it seriously? You are doing it the Dutch way.
You should take your responbility. You're doing it the Dutch way.
It sounds like met de Hollandse slag.
The West Ham Way is a fucking myth. We lose every week, had crap like Sam Allardyce and David Moyes in charge, get a premier league winning manager and are still a shit club, spend hundreds of millions of pounds and can only just beat southampton 1-0 and get knocked out of the cup by a league one team every season... oxford, wimbledon etc... then get beat by romanian farmers every time we compete in the europa league
We want a manager that plays the West Ham Way
Yup --- cancer-sticks are once again a much-frowned-upon commodity in society, just as they were shown to have been "way back when" in da old "Virginia Slims" magazine-advertisements.
Maybe it is indeed true dat, "You've come a long way --- er --- full-circle, Baby!" as far as cigarettes' being a sign of feminine independence --- let's hope dat it can also mean dat ladies can feel "independent" of tobacco, as well.
Gay dude who gets no chicks only dick. Low self-esteem and a bit retarded on the side.
Look that dude look like a "Wai Chee"
When your lover says she wants you to get spooky in her coochie. But all the way spooky means you want to get all the way in there.
Significant other- can you get all the way spooky tonight
You- Oh you want me to get all the way in there you dirty dog?
Her-yes please.
Something you exclaim when something is improbable but still happens, alternatively, you can say it anytime.
Example 1:
joe: my dad just died of stage 5 terminal cancer
dan: not a way
Example 2:
matti: not a way... not a krakalakin