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Creative social architect

Somethings that Only Joe Shmoe can do because he created the term.

I host The Morning Show with cohost. helping my cohost create their own identity to be able to build an empire of decentralized content. Therefore I am a creative social architect building from the ground up.

by JoeShmoe_xrp May 27, 2023

TLV Social Chair

The TLV Social Chair is responsible for planning and executing social gathering opportunities in Tel Aviv. Other key responsibilities include:

1. Encouraging engagement among all members by bringing them together for a meaningful purpose
2. Organizing social meet-ups and always ensuring everyone is having a good time
3. Becoming an active member of the Tel Aviv community
4. Working with the rest of the community to ensure that social opportunities are always being planned
5. Promoting social events, nightlife, restaurants, etc.

Be prepared for mingling, hangovers, and questionable decisions - after all, the TLV Social Chair never lets a little thing like responsibility get in the way of a good time

Be prepared for mingling, hangovers, and questionable decisions - after all, the TLV Social Chair never lets a little thing like responsibility get in the way of a good time

by tlvsocialchair December 16, 2022

TLV Social Chair

The TLV Social Chair is responsible for planning and executing social gathering opportunities in Tel Aviv. Other key responsibilities include:

1. Encouraging engagement among all members by bringing them together for a meaningful purpose
2. Organizing social meet-ups and always ensuring everyone is having a good time
3. Becoming an active member of the Tel Aviv community
4. Working with the rest of the community to ensure that social opportunities are always being planned
5. Promoting social events, nightlife, restaurants, etc.

Be prepared for mingling, hangovers, and questionable decisions - after all, the TLV Social Chair never lets a little thing like responsibility get in the way of a good time

by tlvsocialchair December 16, 2022

Social Puritism

An economic type in which all necessities are provided by the government for free while luxuries must be purchased by the individual. Social puritism resembles social capitalism in some ways but the market and companies are much more regulated to ensure they cannot exploit workers or consumers. On the left-right economic spectrum, social puritism falls under center-left to left depending on the implementation whereas social capitalism is center.

Origin: Created by Zenno Shugunou due to him not being in favor of any economic types at the time. The "Social" part comes from "Socialism" and "Social Capitalism" while the "Puritism" part refers to the system resembling a version of social capitalism that has been purged of its evils.

Under social puritism, no one ever went hungry.

by Shugunou June 25, 2023


A political and economic theory/philosophy where the keyboard production, distribution and exchange is regulated by the community and its marketing.

The market of keyboards have been monopolized, we need keyboard-socialism.

by Echg February 6, 2022

Social Justice Demolisher

SJD for short,
The act of issuing hate towards a certain person or group of people who are way too pretentious for their own good while using well thought arguments and reason in order to demolish these pretentious people's "opinions".

Mark: I'm a real Social Justice Demolisher, I just completely rekt a BuzzFeed article about white males that stated that all white males are racist/sexist.
Karen: Oh mark, there should be at least 2 SJD's for every SJW only then can stupidity/ignorance completely die.

by CutNracker December 30, 2016

social death

The alienation of certain people from society to the point of being forgotten, excluded or ignored in society.

The prejudice surrounding people who have different opinions exacts a social death than a real physical death.

by Word Madman April 12, 2022