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Jungle Boner

To achieve, either spiritually or physically, a raging dancing boner due to highly stimulating activities or anticipation of such activities.

Usually accompanied by a one legged dance and a little song.
More often than not, a Jungle Boner is caused by Jungle Speed.

"Last night while watching Matlock I got a ragging Jungle Boner"

by The Real dRewsus June 16, 2009

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as soon as you get in bed and wake up in the morning you have an erection that wont go away.

dude:hey are you asleep?
other dude:nah i can't i got this b-boner that wont go away

by deykota2001 December 31, 2009

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Somthing or somonethat kills the fun that you are having

Guy1: Yo Stop screwing around!
Guy2: (to some1 else)Geeze, what a boner killer

by Chewing on a spoon August 23, 2005

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sympathy boner

A sad wank

Man I am so wet from crying i so need a wank right now. Sympathy boner

by test12 December 13, 2015

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pilgrim boner

1) A guy dressed as a guy from Panic! at the Disco who has a huge sack.
2) What happens when Thanksgiving meals turn your dad on.

Upon observing the bulge in my father's pants that November day, I knew he had a Pilgrim Boner.

by Stacersz November 4, 2007

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foner boner

when a guy thinks he has a boner but doesn't.
Foner boners are usually bragged about.
Also try boner

guy1: Im so hard right now.
guy2: no,dude, you just have a foner boner.
guy1: oh...

by livvvvvvv February 14, 2008

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head boner

when a person as an abnormally big ass head that it looks like your head has a boner. It sticks out in the back

Zach has a big assssssss head boner bicthhhhhhhhhh

by head boner February 28, 2017

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