King of discord and Nick bait should have pink name
I have a small penis is clearly the best smash player
King of discord and Nick bait should have pink name
I have a small penis is clearly the best smash player
Idiomatic phrase
1. Facebook fan page following less than 100,000
2. Friendless
3. Description of a person who doesn't waste a lot of time online.
1. Bank account and self-worth entirely depleted, Freya set her Facebook fan page to "Unpublished" and murmured to herself: "I have no flock."
2. Ernie has no friends. He has no flock.
3. Kendra doesn't believe that a flock of friends is an expected fruit of living a purpose-filled life.
Noel doesn't have the time nor does he want to chase you. "I have no flock"