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the most beautiful man in the world. he’s sweet and caring. he has the most beautiful eyes in the world. his hair is fluffy and he looks even prettier with glasses. he’s very smart too and a little nerdy but that’s okay <3

Friend 1: Oh wow Justin is really good at Genshin
Friend 2: Yeah he’s been playing for years
Friend 1: What a cool guy

by super cool person :) January 2, 2022


Justin is the fattest person you will ever meet. He never gets of video games, and loves his food. He can’t fight, and only ever threatens. You could say he’s “all bark no bite” he looks like a black oompa loompa.

That guy is being a justin.

by notmynane10101010 November 26, 2023


a person who is tired and dosent do his work and only sleeps all day in class


by bigknockers69 September 26, 2022

2👍 1👎


he's already taken, and hes cracked at fortnite


by orchititis January 21, 2021


a complete utter bitchpiece who gets no women and is a complete asshole

1= hi my name is justin
2= *rips 1's testicles off*

by 3eqc3c June 18, 2022

1👍 1👎


Justin is a great friend.he normally taken by a girl and he’s cracked a fortnite my guy

Me:your so good a video games
Sam:like Justin 😩😩

by Ventyboy March 5, 2021


Justin is dustY he will bust for the girls
He is a pedo and rapey and weird

He looks and girls through the security cameras in the bathrooms


by Butterfly Warrior July 19, 2020