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International free boobies day

On the 01. January everyone is flashing their boobies on new years eve in midnight to their friends.

Its international free boobies day. Lets goo girls!

by Dr Yahya March 5, 2024

free tissues

here for ur tears

here is some free tissues

by September 15, 2020

free tissues

here for ur tears

here is some free tissues

by September 15, 2020

Free v-bucks generator

A thing online that will make you very happy if you click on it and will give you video game money out of pure generosity and make you rich.

I gave that shady free v-bucks generator my credit card number and now I’m rich with v-bucks.

by Free v bucks generator troll February 23, 2023

free ice cream

ice cream given by a creeper who is most likely a murderer rapist who will hunt you down and kill you because free ice cream is non-existent and you will pay. Sooner or later...

"OH MY GOSH, he gave me free ice cream!"

"No Hannah.... You will pay... Sooner or later..."

by realeyesrealizereallies July 8, 2014

Free pass

Something not everybody has had.

The outsider girl thought everything was to everybody what it was to her, a silly, pointless battle for supremacy where nothing was sacred but winning. She thought somebody else's ground to stand was hers to walk all over, because she had had a free pass to do so for so long.

by The Original Agahnim August 4, 2021

Free pass

A pass where nobody questions somebody and assumes they are exactly who they say they are, and do exactly what they say they do.

The cultish bubbly girl had a free pass to the town for long enough. She had grown up nearby and spent enough time there that she thought nobody there still had a right to stand up to her. She had the benefit of being from a small town nearby, which almost made her seem like someone originally from the town to newcomers and outsiders (who she didn't tell she was also an outsider, they thought she was the one to ask anything about anything getting around town, the one with the streetwise image, the one that had nothing to hide), while playing the (older generation) people that really were originally from the town (usually against each other). She was actually friendly with no one, but wanted herself to look warm and friendly to everyone she was busy as the devil playing.

by The Original Agahnim September 17, 2021