Source Code

Cataract Removal

An act performed after thoroughly coating a girlโ€™s eyeballs with your jizz, giving them a glistening iridescent coating, temporarily blinding her. To relieve her clouded vision, you convince her to be very still and keep her stinging peepers wide open. Then you make two fists and slug her very hard simultaneously in the eyes, knocking your milky man-juice from her beautiful baby blues. Thus, you have performed cataract removal.

Veronica: Betty, how did you get two black eyes?
Betty: I underwent cataract removal.

by theinstigator June 4, 2016

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Wart Remover

To remove a wart or mole on a girl's face by giving her a facial and aiming for the blemish, and then immediately shoving her into an industrial freezer. When it is completely frozen you take her out and chip it off.

My ex girlfriend had 3 brown eyes until I gave her the wart remover.

by Coldbeverage213 April 26, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Heineken Remover

The drunk version of the Heimlich Maneuver. Coined one night during a party in the woods by a drunk party attendee when some one started choking on a joint, then drank some beer too quickly and started choking.

This was followed with 20 years worth of ball busting and made a great story.

"Hey, you better stop choking or I will have to give you the Heineken Remover to save you"

by formfeeder February 18, 2006

86๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

removable alien

(US GOVERNMENT) a person who may be deported for any reason. Removable aliens include

*people who entered the USA unlawfully, such as crossing the border without documents;
*people who entered the USA lawfully but overstayed their visas, or else did something that violated the terms of their visa (usually, working for a living);
*people who are lawful resident immigrants, but who committed a felony (US law classifies many petty crimes as a felony, including giving incorrect information on a federal job application);
*people who are lawful residents and who have scrupulously obeyed other US laws, but who have suffered the misfortune of contracting a dangerous illness (including while in the USA);
*people who are lawful refugees and legally entitled to sanctuary, but whose presence under US protection is diplomatically embarrassing.

The term "removable alien" seems to have been coined in a 2005 addendum to the federal code (Title 8, CFR 241.14), which is where this information comes from.

The Service shall continue to detain a removable alien where the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney General has certified in writing that:

(i) Without regard to the grounds upon which the alien has been found inadmissible or removable, the alien is a person described in section 212(a)(3)(C) or section 237(a)(4)(C) of the Act;

(ii) The alien's release is likely to have serious adverse foreign policy consequences for the United States

(Title 8, CFR 241.14)

by Primus Intra Pares June 20, 2010

20๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

remove poke

Prior to efforts by Facebook to emulate various features and functionality of other popular web sites, if someone clicked "poke" on your profile, you were presented with two options: "poke back" or "remove poke"

Now, "remove" has been removed. This is very confusing to neophytes because the options of "poke back" and now, "remove" (instead of the aforementioned "remove poke" link title) lead Facebook users to the falso assumption that they either have to "remove" their friend or poke them back, sending the user into the poke/poke back abyss, never to return.

Perhaps the far more intuitive "remove poke" will return on some future Facebook redesign. Until then, this Facebook FAIL will remain confusing to the masses, wreaking havoc and spawning never-ending poke wars.

So and so poked you... poke back | remove poke


by shawnblog March 17, 2009

93๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

panty remover

well panty remover is the term used when girls drink the beverage gin.cause in the end the girls end up up the panties on the floor

hey guys screw these girls we'll never score, look over there those girls are drinking panty remover, lets hit that up.

by gibb February 5, 2004

46๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boomer Remover

Boomer remover is slang for the COVID-19 outbreak that refers to the high chances of boomers to die or in other words, be removed.

Timothy: "Yo all the boomers are dying!"
Aaron: "Yeah, it's the boomer remover."

by OK BOOMER 69 March 13, 2020

50๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž