Source Code


In Seinlanguage, this is a sign usually indicating the status of one's relationship with a person when one is questioned. Generally the placement of a hand or hands on the face, as the hands move further up the face, the indication is a worsening relationship status.

Jerry: So how is your doctor friend there?

Elaine: *reaches up, rubs nose* Fine, fine...

Jerry: George, did you see that?

George: Saw it.

Elaine: Saw what?

Jerry: The sign.

by DKS 2 July 12, 2005

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Can be surname a creative person who tries to live up to expectations but always cracks a smile and shoves it off when people offend them they do what they think is right but can lead to bullying or rude remarks in general a common surname

Sophia Telling sounds wonderful

by Sophia Carery December 27, 2017

5๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


tells got owned and "left" DALnet like the pussy nigger bitch that he is.

tells enjoys giving 500 pound black men rim jobs.

by Vince Russo December 24, 2003

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-Noun, A classic american "pull-job" style of saying "teller". (as in a bank teller)

-A whiteboy prison/pull-job term for a bank teller.

I knew this stick, he was so good, he'd have the Tell shakin' on her knees just by pointin' his finger, and sayin' "You know the drill darlin'".

by Jeff S. May 30, 2005

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Background: Lebanese Ghetto

Definition: To call
Telling = Calling

Who'd you tell about the computer problems?

I'm gonna tell her and ask her out.

by tribalray March 12, 2005

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Tell it again! Tell it again!

It is said in a chanting like mannar where you pause after every sylable. You may choose to use fist motions up and down to further the sarcasm of the statement. Tell it again! Tell it again! is used after someone tells a terrible story or just states some form of information that you find unecessary to the conversation. The fist motions work best when slammed upon a firm object to the beat of the syllables.

Example 1-
Person A: Oh my god, this morning I went to get coffee from starbucks and I had to wait like 10 minutes because the line was so long.

Person B: Tell it again! Tell it again!

Example 2-
Person A: I can't stand people that count exact change with a long line of people behind them at the grocery store.

Person B: At my grocery store some lady takes forever to bag the groceries.

Person A: Tell it again! Tell it again!

by Danni yo! July 17, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

douchebag tell

An act or attribute that signals to others that someone is a douchebag; mark of a douchebag.

The first known use of this phrase was by Taran G, Atlanta, GA, March, 2010

Liking your own Facebook status is a douchebag tell.

by jacandy July 21, 2010

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