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January 18th

The best people are born on the 18th of January especially the kind and loving ones who are the most slept on

Makayla was born on January 18th

by Yah2018 November 22, 2021

january 18th

Eat pussy day !! (use this wisely ladies)

Emma: do you know what day it is?
Simon: january 18th ?
Emma: no you bafoon.. its eat pussy day !!
Simon: oh well !! i better eat your pussy then

by mighty hawk January 18, 2024

January 18th

January 18th the day for all the crackheads!! Remember smoke that weed or go loko

“Bro you can’t smoke weed” “ya I can it’s January 18th”

Ohh okay

by AJNSJDKJDJDJDHBF BE December 19, 2019

January 18th

National self love day! On this day you’ve got to love yourself and feel proud for anything you achieve!

you: I did really well in that test!
Person: that’s showing off a bit!
You: I’m allowed to show off, it’s January 18th, national love yourself day!

by Ludgate_lover December 18, 2020

January 18th

the day u have to ask ur crush out, or ask them for a hoodie

bestfriend: time to talk to ur crush
Me: awww cmon

bestfriend: its january 18th so u have too

by someome :) January 16, 2022