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Fatty Fatty 2X4

An obese female thief who frequents dive bars and often wears NASCAR or domestic beer attire. She also has been known to wear sunglasses at night.

"Son do yourself a favor and don't leave your money on the table. That Fatty Fatty 2X4 is liable to take it."

by Colombian Necktie August 13, 2008

16πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

2x4 or 2 by 4

a drinking game similar to beer pong , but played on a coffee table. each opponent sits in a chair at either end. 4 cups are arranged within a boundary taped of on the table, at your end of the table in any placement u want. then 2 beers are filled within the 4 cups, hence the name 2x4 everything corrilates. once the cups are arranged the first player to go must bounce the ball in attempt to sink that cup, upon making a cup the challenger has a chance to rebutle if he/she does the cup stays if he/she fails to rebuttle then the cup must be drank imedialty and place anywhere across center line but not in the opponents boundary for cups. this is a handicap to attempt to block the opponents next shot. however it gets tricky if the shooter bounces twice and makes it that is two cups, but once the second bounce the opponent cant then swat the shot. the game continues on as follows until the last cup is made.

2x4 or 2 by 4 is a drinking game similar to beer pong.

by kenny perkins/mike lozano/eli/nate March 18, 2007

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

semi-shaped 2x4 and commie steel

any soviet or russian military firearm that infects this world-

much hated by Americans.

the semi shaped 2x4 comes from the stock while the commie steel comes from the barreled action.

the communist picked up his semi-shaped 2x4 and commie steel and died when it blew up in his face

by just a good ol' boy May 4, 2011

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

break out the 2x4

Get after it drinking with the boys

Ready to break out the 2x4 tonight?

by Stevendrinking April 26, 2019

Yummy Yummy 2x4

Its a word of which my dad made he always made jokes like this to either annoying my brother or his GF

Dad:*snickers* yummy yummy 2x4

Gf:If you say that one more tiiiimmmmeee......

by Harrypotterscousin November 28, 2019


Have four penis-havers separated into two pairs. Each pair stands with their penises lined up tip-to-tip. A fifth person kneels in between the two pairs, and jerks them off simultaneously, running their hands from the bases of one men from each pair, along their shafts to the shaft and then base of their partners.

This move is referenced, but not named, in the hit HBO show Silicon Valley in a scene known as β€œMean Jerk Time”.

Jon, Jacob, Jackson, and James got 2x4’d by Daniel last night. Jon and Jacob were tip buddies, and then so were Jackson and James. Daniel kneeled on the floor between them while he jerked off all four at once. Epic.

by Lexicockrapher January 3, 2024