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October 32

It's the day that your crush loves u back.

I'm waiting for October 32

by Standyyy October 26, 2019

47πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


<32<3 = An emotional, deep conversation with somebody (a Heart To Heart)

Girl1: it wz sooooo gr8 we spnt teh nite 2getha!!!
Friend1: wot, so u fckd???
Girl1: NOO! we kssd a little nd had a <32<3 it wuz rlly swweet.

by lookupanywordlikebootylicious: September 18, 2011

29πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

December 32

also known as judgement day

only appears after December 31 2020

on December 32 all hell will break loose.

by BucketRat November 7, 2020

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october 32

THIS IS AN UNREAL DATE like cmon whatchu thinkin broski like o my ger

Turdhole1: β€œHey it’s October 32nd!!”
Turdhole2: β€œBro u losing ur mind that’s not a real date”

by Yo pappppaaa October 16, 2019

18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

rule 32

an internet rule that states that if it can be said, it can be said with a picture

why say "i see what you did there" when you can just as easily scour the interweb for hours trying to find a picture of an owl with a text edit saying the same thing?

that's rule 32

by lishuss October 17, 2006

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October 32

The last day of October celebrated by the lowest of all IQs.

mother: happy october 32
you: big brain

by epicgamerhahah October 29, 2019

October 32

It’s a date guys make up so they don’t fail no nut november

Guy 1: β€œi just busted the fattest nut”
Guy 2: β€œyou already failed no nut november?”
Guy 1: no it’s October 32”

by livnich November 1, 2019