Source Code


"Access Denied" or "Fuck off you nosy parker!"

Access has been denied now fuck off you nosy parker!

by smurf February 19, 2005

20👍 22👎


The area code for Southern Alberta, Canada. Major city in this area is Calgary. Often used as slang when asked where one comes from.

Person: Hey man, what do you represent?
South-Albertan: 403, baby!!

by Meghan August 26, 2003

9👍 18👎


to hack or get hacked, derived from the digits included in the leetspeak term for hacked - h4x0r3d

i just totally 403ed that guys lunix box!!1

by qfred December 9, 2006

4👍 11👎


a gang in cle elum washington

dont mess with the 403

by shti bagh April 25, 2007

2👍 8👎


if typed into a calculator and turned upsidedown it spells out hoe

David: "Did you see the new girl?"
Sam: "Yeah, she's such a-"
*New girl walks in*
Sam: *spells on calculator* '403'

by Mygodthatsveryappealingindeed August 7, 2022

3👍 10👎


Means I love you ❤️
don’t ever doubt
I cannot tell you…
no words
I’ll never
stop loving you…

I couldn’t stopeven if I tried…403

by Wanderlust_721 September 4, 2023

262👍 195👎


a large gluttonous woman as refered to by juelz santana in his rap song fat bitch.

Woah dude, the 403 is huge.

by ben hahn October 29, 2007

1👍 8👎