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5 minute rule

A rule or general guideline for the amount of time that should elapse from the time your boss leaves work to the moment you leave. This time buffer, used in corporate settings, will allow you to sneak away from work 'early' without negative consequences.

The boss just left - '5 Minute Rule' then we take off?

by wetterinc February 8, 2008

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5 minute crafts

Crafts that take take more than 5 minutes. And are also useless.

Tik Tok 5 minute crafts are useless

by dont steal me fruit loops November 9, 2021

5-minute Rule

The common courtesy of waiting roughly 5 minutes for a friend to respond after commenting on or "liking" a status on Facebook. If the friend doesn't respond within this grace period, one can assume they're offline or simply disinterested in your post.

Mom: "Katrina, it's 3:30am! Get off the damn computer and get some sleep."

Katrina: "Give me a second, I'm waiting for Jessica to write on my wall. I "liked" her status 4 minutes ago. I gotta wait for the 5-minute Rule."

Mom: "You don't have any friends...so stop pretending! And switch the damn laundry before you go to bed."

by Hey, Debra! July 6, 2010

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5 Minute Mate

When a stranger approaches you for no apparent reason and almost immediately tells you their life story. Public transport, bars and queues are the most popular places for the 5 Minute Mate to be found. Often they will start with a casual comment relevant to the situation and progress very quickly leading to you knowing everything that ever happened to them in their life in 5 minutes. They'll walk away leaving you tired and confused but safe in the knowledge you just made another 5 Minute Mate.

"Oh my this bank queue doesn't seem to be getting any shorter."
Me: "I know, terrible isn't it..."
"I remember once being in a queue for an hour just to pay in a cheque and then I was late for a doctors appointment to see whether the mole on my back was malignant or not. Turns out it wasn't but actually on the same day I found out I had a VD, I just mentioned a pain when I was urinating, you know a passing comment...of course I confronted my wife. She denied it. I was hoping she had changed her ways but she'd been shagging the Insurance guy. Last time it was the man who fitted the cable. It's funny you know, I used to sell insurance. Now I sell carpet cleaners...anyway no cancer but I ended up at the VD clinic and divorced. She got the dog, I was upset but I was always a little allergic to the hairs. I have a cat now. Called him Byron after my twin brother who died when I was 7....." and so it goes on for 3 more minutes.
The 5 Minute Mate.

by Erica Cantona October 2, 2013

woman's 5 minutes

When women say 5 minutes but it is often longer it is a woman's 5 minutes.

Can also be used to refer to any amount of time that is likely to be much longer than stated up front.

Similar to male 6 inches.

Mary said that she would be ready in 5. Of course that is a woman's 5 minutes so we have time to watch the last quarter of the game.

by CLS 8888 December 16, 2016

Skill 5 Minute

When you have a burst of "skill" every 5 minutes.

That soccer move was part of my skill 5 minute!

by Limezor October 6, 2006

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5 minute rule

A common texting agreement between two or more acquaintances that after a 5 minute period with no reply, you must accept the fact that the person you are trying to reach does not want to talk to you. After this 5 minute period, you may not re-send your message, send a new one, call, or apologize for interrupting their meeting. This agreement is usually made official by means of contract, or simply by not disagreeing when the rule is suggested.

Man 1: Hey man 2, lets go to the club man!

Man 2: Ahh man I can't, im waiting for Katie to reply.

Man 3: Dammit Man 2, you've been waiting for Katie to reply for at least 6 minutes now. 5 minute rule dude.

by Mr. Yell-O March 8, 2010

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