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Hemingway Method

A method of doing school work based on the quote by Ernest Hemingway, "Write drunk; edit sober." This can use any method of inebriation be it drugs or alcohol, you just can't be sober. This tends to work best when you have time to sober up and edit the essay.

I really couldn't get any inspiration for my Sociology mid-term, so I resorted to the Hemingway Method. Surprisingly enough drunk me is filled with ideas, I got an A, mind you my friend you must have time to sober up before you turn in the essay.

by Carsen Tyler March 13, 2012

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Hemingway's lemonade

Liquor, in particular whiskey.

"We drank nothing else but Hemingway's lemonade last night. And did we feel it the day after!"

by Uforya June 23, 2010

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Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 โ€” July 2, 1961) was a novelist, short-story writer, and journalist. He was part of the 1920s expatriate community in Paris, and one of the veterans of World War I later known as "the Lost Generation." He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for The Old Man and the Sea, and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954.

A reported misogynist who enjoyed his liquor. Any degrading act preformed on the female body such as "tea bagging", or "pimp smackin' dat ho" can also be referred to as a "Hemingway".

Johnny: You better check yourself Suzy.

Suzy: I do what I want.

Johnny: (Slaps that Ho)

Ralf: Damn you just Ernest Hemingway'ed the shit out of that bitch.

Suzy: He was right to do so, I should really stop having opinions of my own.

Johnny: You're damn right bitch! (Most likely followed up with another bitch slap.)

by LitteraryGangsta October 16, 2008

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Doing the Hemingway

Getting drunk, banging two or three girls and then writing a small novel til the sun goes down...or comes up.

"Doing the Hemingway to-night."

"Shit! I'll bring condoms and my sister."

"See you at 7 then."

by Jim Witness September 4, 2010

hemingway wentz

Hemingway Wentz is (Fall Out Boy bassist) Pete Wentz's English bulldog. He is featured on a Clandestine Industries shirt and even has his own Myspace page.

Nicknames include Hem, Hemmy, Hembone, Hemizzle to the Weezy (my personal favorite) and Hemi.

In my opinion I think this dog is gnar and extremely adorable.

hemingway wentz is pete wentz's dog.

by briana.cristina August 15, 2007

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Anus Hemingway

A person who farts very expressivley.
A literate bystander may pick up on the farts hidden meanings, metaphors and symbolism. A complex fart may raise questions about the nature of life, religious matters and other deep shit.

PFFRFRRFPPPFPFffffffff "Dude, you pulled a real Anus Hemingway there.

"Mom, look" Pfppfpppprrrrrppffffffffpfprrrfff
"Alright, off to bed now, Anus Hemingway!"

by arsebum October 17, 2009

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Pull a Hemingway

(v.) To pull a Hemingway is when a very talented person, usually in the written or visual arts, commits suicide during/after or previous to his or her success, for no understandably reason whatsoever.

Artist one: "Have you seen Anthony lately? His Acrylic painting "Le Onde", just won the nationals."

Artist two: "Nah, he's been moping around his apartment depressed about God knows what."

Artist one: " Jeez, I sure hope he doesn't pull a Hemingway."

by Takio Lamary April 7, 2010

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