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there are many different types of bisexuals:

you like men AND women sexually AND romantically
you like men sexually only; you like women sexually and romantically
you like women sexually only; you like men sexually and romantically

I am bisexual and honest with myself and others, even if society tries to put me into a box.

by Canadian_Lynx2006 May 21, 2006

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The attraction to 1) people with the same gender and 2) people of other genders. This is often confused with pansexuality, but bisexuals are often differentiated by things like having different tastes in one gender vs. others (e.g. being a woman who likes loud women, but quiet men) or not being attracted to all genders (e.g. being a man who likes people who are agender, bigender, and other men, but not being attracted to women).

Sometimes, I'll be walking and I'll notice a handsome man and then I'll see a gorgeous woman and I'll just smile to myself and be really glad for bisexuality.

by Wulf26 June 13, 2015

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n.) A person who is attracted to both the male and female genders.

I don't know who I like more, Jeff or Brittany.

I'm Bisexual.

Look at that bisexul girl!

by Strawberry Gashes July 25, 2003

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Bisexual is sexual attraction to two or more genders. Someone who is bisexual can be attracted to men and women, men and nonbinary people, women and nonbinary people, or women, men, and nonbinary people.

Bi does not mean "attraction to men and women." While a bi person may only be attracted to men and women, that is not the only kind of bi to be.

source: I am bisexual

"Erick likes guys, girls, and nonbinary people."
"What is his sexuality?"
"He's bisexual!"

by Birate December 22, 2014

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too straight for gays
too gay for straights

I like both men and women, I'm bisexual

by Arik2103 September 12, 2020

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Reading some of the above answers showed a rather entertaining mix of beliefs concerning bisexuality, mostly just attacks on it vaguely disguised as definitions. I don't care about the fact that you can write well, it doesn't persuade me that I'm 'mentally ill' at all. Bisexuals, like me, are simply people capable of falling in love with people of either gender. It's a simple matter of love, and NOT a step towards being gay. I acknowledge the fact that there are a lot of people out there who claim to be bisexual when they're really straght/gay/lesbian, but the majority of these are attention seekers. I am NOT to be classed in this category; if I was an attention seeker, everyone would know. I haven't told more than two people in the whole world so far, excluding all the people reading this. And, contrary to popular opinion, bisexual people can hold down relationships with one person at a time. They don't find the need to run off and have sex with the first good looking person they meet. That person is a bigot, not a bisexual. Just because some bigots are bisexual doesn't mean that all bisexuals are bigots.

In conclusion, I'd like to say that bisexuality is a perfectly normal choice that, whether they like to admit it or not, almost 95% of the population of the world is sitting on.

I've always wanted children, ever since I can remember. I've fallen desperately in love with a girl, so deep that it hurts every time I see her. But I fantasize over men and prefer their bodies. I am bisexual - get over it.

by Bisexual Boy April 9, 2008

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Being bisexual means you can have emotional, sexual, physical, spirtual, and/or mental attractions to people of either gender. (1) It's just as natural as heterosexuality or homosexuality, even if you don't choose to accept it as such. Being bisexual is NOT just something that people do for attention or something people to be unique, and it does NOT mean that you aren't ready to accept being gay, haven't "came out" completely yet, can't make up your mind, are a sex pervert, are so low that you just take whatever you can get, that you always cheat and have to have multiple relationships, and/or you engage in orgies every night. There ARE people, though, who do pretend that they're bisexual to try to be more "hardcore" or "edgy." (2) We are NOT all like that, and anyone who is like that is NOT actually bisexual, and so you shouldn't consider any REAL bisexual people to be like that. I'm sure some bisexual people do engage in orgies and stuff and do have multiple relationships at once, but they are in the minority. There are straight and gay people like that too.

Bisexuality is just as valid a sexual orintation as heterosexuality or homosexuality, and it is your own decision whether you choose to accept it as such or not, and I can't make that decision for you. I ask only that you don't, as many people do in this time we live in, judge bisexual people or consider them worth less.

Have a nice day.

1. Bob is bisexual, because he used to be dating Jane, and now he's going to ask out John. It's great that he can be so open about it.

2. Susan tried to get more attention by suddenly kissing random girls and acting bisexual. Unfortunately, with how low a level of sophistication the majority of today's society has fallen to, she did get more attention from unintelligent guys. Makes us real bisexual people look bad, doesn't it?

I'm bisexual, and I love it.

by just an anonymous person May 25, 2008

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