The younger asians or non asians that profess that they are better than everyone else (even though they are not). Signs of the "Asian retards" are:
(1) Typing in alternating CAPS and lowercase letters.
(2) Using words such as: dis, dat, sho, da, ETC.
(3) Claiming that Asians are the best even though they don't know shit about their own heritage.
(4) *sigh* I hoped it wouldn't come to this. The dreaded "Got Rice?" song...
Azns are not Asians.
2379๐ 1465๐
the niggers of the asian race
all races have these
black people have the original niggers
white people have wiggers
asian people have azns
azn guy: yo nigga, why u actin like you all white and shit. you white washed or somethin nigga?
asian guy: shut the fuck up. go back to school and learn how to speak, you make our race look bad.
526๐ 310๐
A lazy (not to mention retarded) way of typing the word Asian. Usually, azns are crappy typers, and dress "gangsta" with their loud rap blasting from their cars.
Sure, having pride is your race is good, but calling other people names isn't.
aZnB01: yo man j00 cumin 2 da parta3???!!?!??
aZng4ngst4B01: yayayyayayayayyay!!1!1!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!1
sm3xy4ZNG1R1: ewwewewwww wut da fk u t4lk1n bout????????
aznpryd34lyfeee3: stfubiatsh!!!1!!!!!1one!!!11eleven!!!1!
61๐ 34๐
An abbreviation of Asian. Used mainly by young Westerners of Asian descent.
Baby 53 doesn't know what she's talking about. She claims "azns" have A culture and A religion. Asia is a huge landmass with many different cultures and religions. I'm white and I know that. Maybe if she wasn't a dumb "azn" she'd know that too!
196๐ 144๐
Slang word for asian, often used by younger internet-savvy generations.
1. Often stereotyped with TyPiNg LiKe ThIs, camera-whoring, and a belief that they are so 'gangsta'.
2. This is not true of all, however, and can just be a net-speak term for asian with no connections whatsoever.
1. Actual quote from an internet blog:
AzN PriDe
AzN PriDe iS iN mAh MiNd,
AzN bLoOd Is In MaH KiNd,
So StEp A SidE aNd LeT MeEh ThRoUgH,
cUz It'Z aLL bOuT dA aZn KrEw,
AzN LuV iS aLL aRoUnD,
fOr MaH FeLLoW AzN'z DaT NeVeR LEt MEeh DoWn,
So ShOw Ur PriDe N sAy It'S TrU,
cUz AzN bLoOd FLoWs ThRoUgH yOu!!!!!
2. On a chatroom:
Ciara: im irish. where r u from??
Chae: im azn.
30๐ 17๐
azn .. let me think. the whole 'AzN prYdE' thing, I think 99% of asians actaully go through the whole 'wE aRreE shOo coOl coZzZ wE aRre aZzzN'.
yes i am shamed to say I went through it. but it's a fact people get over it, like I have. people in australia, are going through and over the aZn pRyDe phrase yonger in their lives.
and btw I play DDR and sometimes use up all my money but it doesn't mean i'm an 'AzN prYdE wh0R3' or anything, it' a good game.
AND ONE MORE THING .. it ISNT cool to 'tYpE lYkE dHIisSs' its so old. so if you want to be 'cool' and act LIKE A FRICKEN asian, stop acting like a friggin 3 yr old kid. and plus .. typing the sticky caps wastes time .. time = money.
azn #1: wassuPp maH bROthErr ?
azn #2: noThinGg nIggUhh
azn #1: hOwsSzZZ yOurRr rIicEd uP caRr?
azn #2: sToP , niIigGuHh pUhhLeasEE
101๐ 73๐
1) Short for the racial term, Asian
2) Used mostly by young Asian-Americans, most likely in their teens. However do not get this confused with "WANNABE GANGSTERS" because the term AZN isn't necessarily followed by the word PRIDE or PRYDE.
3) Made popular by a Internet rap song called "GOT RICE".
1)I'm AZN, how about you?
2) Is that kid driving a rice rocket? Must be Azn?
3) Look at that Wigger, AZN, and Beaner trying to act black by saying NIGGA. OOps sorry the Wigger can't say that word.
33๐ 21๐