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ACT= Asshole Coming Through
A guy who is not worth your time, but thinks he's the shit. A guy you just can't be bothered with, so you let him go on through.

"Gurl, look who came in, this act is doing the most. I wouldn't touch him with a 10ft pole."

by millykidd August 11, 2014

18πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


when someone is purposely avoiding your calls and texts to prove a point..mostly women and men that are engaged in a sexual non-serious relationship....you know the kind you gotta play games in...

Guy: I haven't heard from you in a while?
Girl: been busy..
Guy: Nall you been acting!

by Miss Mosa February 11, 2012

21πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

an act

A person who is all talk but never fights because they act tough.

"Bro, do you think they'll really fight?"
"Nah bro they won't Jeromes just an act up"

by kharaonyouandallyourfriends October 15, 2018

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

The Act

A real smutty girl, one who is down for the team. If you and your boys are at the lunch table and you see a girl walk by and all of you can say that at one point each of you have fucked her, she's probably the act.

also known as The Action

E: Yo my boy I just fucked that one bad jawn from math class.

J: Shit, that aint nothin I done hit that like 5 times already, shit a lotta dudes have to be honest, she's the act!

E: Oh shit, say no more that's crazy!

J: I'm bout to hit her up right now

by Laneezy-Boy November 5, 2010

27πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


A test that doesn't help anything at all. We're told to not stress over it, but we can't help but feel like you're getting ready for The Hunger Games. Oh and it's the one thing determining whether we get a higher education or not :)

When will I ever use anything in real life, that I learned on the ACT?

by real-world June 4, 2016

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


What you gotta do when you don’t like someone but you also don’t want to be an asshole.

I act like I’m his friend but really I think he needs lessons on how to shut up.

by philenzo September 22, 2019


To purposely act in the wrong way

"He is a horrible person! When he saw her stealing my laptop he decided to acte, and help her!

by Tylzr9 August 19, 2022