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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Current leader of Iran, and probably one of the most ridiculous people the world has seen in a very long time. He believes the Holocaust was made up for some global Jewish con, because the Jews want to take over the world. Yeah, that makes sense. Also, he wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, and is currently working on a nuclear arsenal... I mean, power plants... to power his country, and cretainly not start wars with the many people who hate him. He probably has Weiner Measles.

I just joinde the facebook group "I want to punch Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the face."

by OneLittleVictory December 10, 2009

34👍 180👎

mahmoud ahmadinejad

Homophobic, anti-semitic, close minded and theocratic sicko who is currently the President of Iran. He and the Supreme Leader are sickoes who have a abnormal desire to create a one world theocracy!!

Iran is a theocracy, since the Islamic Revolution began. Tehran criminalized LGBT, alcohol and anything western. Get caught doing something "western", 80% chance that you are automatically sentenced to death. As Mahmoud Ahmadinejad went into power, things can only get worse!!

by citylifeloving December 23, 2011

10👍 118👎