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One of the best women you'll ever meet. She'll steal your heart right away and take you for such a wildly wondrous ride, and you'll never once complain. She's the most amazing person in the universe, so talented and smart and magnificent. An Amelia is so very easy to fall in love with.

I, Natalie, am in love with Amelia. She means the world to me, she's my babygirl.

by Redsie May 21, 2019

95๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most beautiful and amazing girl you'll ever meet. Shes fun and will make you feel amazing but run if you piss her off. She might have low self-esteem but was all know her smile can light up a room.

Amelia is so pretty

by |||โˆ†||| Ms. Awesome |||โˆ†||| April 7, 2020

14๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Amelia is a sweet and kind girl. She loves to make others happy and is very supportive of her friends. She loves to watch anime and loves to make others laugh. She is confident to show people who she is and is never afraid to show who she is. If she gets hate she will ignore them and does't give anything about what others say!๐Ÿ˜

Someone: Have you met Amelia?
Me: Yeah she is such a great friend!

by BubbleTea4Life February 24, 2022


Amelia is the most fun and outgoing person you will ever meet. She is so crazy and loud and fun, but when she needs to she can get down to business, she is a dog person and she is the life of the party. She chooses her guys very carefully. She is AMAZING and very lit. She is a leader and will be your best friend for life. She will always stand up for you and support you in any way. She will love you like a sister and you will be a family. You will bond and hang out together. And make so many jokes that you guys will start to cry of laughter. You will always miss each other and cannot wait until the next day to see each other. You guys will have so many nick names and handshakes. Once you meet you will want to have her by your side for the rest of your life. You guys might get in fights but you love stays the same. You will share the same interests but still have differences. She is so strong and smart and kind to everyone, she thinks outside the box and comes up with new ideas that will benefit everyone. She is hot and cute and amazing. She is soo weird and outgoing and strong. I love her soooooooooo much. And you will love her. She is so forgiving and kind.

Boy #1- That Amelia girl makes my heart happy she is soo cute and funny.
Boy #2 - No dip she is cute
Boy #1 - back off she's mine

Hey that Amelia girl do you like her
Yes she is so nice and funny you should get to know her, but her best friend is KIKI

by KIKI the amazing unicorn February 15, 2019

29๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most sweet, pretty, cool amazing friend you will ever have. If your her best friend then you are really lucky she is a funny and caring friend who is exstreamly attractive and just amazing

amelia is amzing

by persowithlife January 13, 2017

21๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Amelia is an amazing person to meet, she's got quite a loud personality she's not shy at all when you meet an amelia you will instantly finds that she's pretty much a comedian she's the funniest of people make sure when you meet an amelia you stay on her good side as she turns from an angle in to the most bad ass girl you know don't mess with her.

(Amelia) amelia got asked out by thirteen girls today WOW! she needs a hide away

by Nicocutekitty January 10, 2018

20๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


An outgoing, brown haired women with brown eyes that can change color from her mood. She has a beautiful tan that she doesnt even try to get.
Deff. want to be her friend. Her fun personality and amzing coffidence will make you want to never leave her. She is the life of the party! At dark times that you may have, she always has something up her sleeve to make you smile. Weather its just a simple word, and inside joke, or simply walking into the room with a smile. She's very independent when it comes to help.
However if u get on her bad side, you'll wish you have never said anything. When she feels threatened or jealous she WILL let you know by telling you off in front of everyone. Dont be fooled by this sweet loving bright face. She deals with a lot at home, and if you get on her nervers last nerves, she can throw a hard punch. Shes suprisingly strong for a skinny girl like herself. thats why so many people love her. she is not afraid to be herself and do crazy things and protect herself if needed. Usually she tries to advoid stuff like that.
Shes extremely Smart but at the same time she can have her blonde moments. As well, she is very sporty. She's on the varsity cheer team, plays soccer, and is a GREAT dancer! She does not execpt failure in sports. She gives her full hardest tries. If she's hurt, she wont cry because she not a woos... She knows the difference between physical and emotional hurt. If someone Emotionaly hurts her, she hides it very well in public

Guy: Whoa!! Who's that?
Girl: Thats Amelia
Guy: She's kinda hotttt
Girl: Thats my friend doofess..
Guy: Can i have her #?
Girl: *rolls eyes and walks away*
Guy: Taking that as a no...

by 13craun December 13, 2011

229๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž