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andover cops

The most pointless thing bought with Andover,MA ppl's taxes. They drive around, with nothing to do, on the prowl for anything they can pull you over for and get away with. Whether it be a license plate that is a tad loose, you pulled out of a house that had a few people over, your car is yellow, red, happens to look like its from Lawrence, your wearing a hat backwards, your in a car that costs under 10k, your coming back from the highway, your out late, theres more than one person in your car, they've pulled u over before, they know you and don't like you for no reason, they just feel like it, you beeped around them and they thought u were beeping at them, if they saw ur same car COLOR do something earlier that day..but it wasn't you, your under the age of 20, you have music on...normal volume, your coming out of a road a park is on, your driving.

Lawrence cops do their fucking job, don't EVER pull you over for stupid shit, and get the shitty cruisers, while andover cops drive around mint condition kept up expensive luxury cruisers, and all they've ever done with them is see how fast they can pull you over when your now 5 minutes away from where they saw you driving out of a place they sit and jerk-off watching for action...what action? someone might throw a juice y fruit gum rapper out their window!

Worst part is they think their bad ass. Honestly, talk to one that doesnt know you, their the most cocky bastards in the world and turn any new recruit they get from a chill dude into a dick sucking james bond wanna be.

To the town of Andover, my grandmother would do a better job of protecting you than these people.
To the ppl of andover, their never gonna go away so the best thing to do is something actually wrong, then when they pull you over its for a legit reason.
To the andover cops: congradulations on finding a job that pays a lot to do nothing but look like fairy's to anyone that watches you go about your business.

ask tj, ask alex, ask chris, ask anyone from ahs.

"Yo guys its andover cops menstrual cycle maxi-pad time"
"You mean its this time of the month in andover?"
"No, its all the time in andover."

by the good people of andover December 24, 2008

69๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

North Andover

Medium-sized upper middle class suburban Massachusetts town 30 miles North of Boston,located in Essex County. Used to be fairly historical, rural and working class- a former "poor man's Andover". Recent slash and burn developments have changed its face. It is known for having youths who throw awesome ragers at their parents' Mcmansions, since the parents are perpetually on vacation and don't give a shit about their little brats. North Andover youths typically are of above average intelligence and have lots of financial resources, but typically throw it all way on beer, heroin, and LSD during the high school years. They tend to listen to jam bands and crappy classic rock on WZLX. Typically they shoot for ZooMass but end up not even finishing out a semester at NECCo. Frequent hang-out spots include dumps like Denny's, Dunkin' Donuts, Harrison's Roast Beef, The 99, The Loft, Rolph's Tavern, The Frosty Mug, The Claddaugh Pub, and The Beijing.

Hey, you are meaning to tell me that the washed-up hippy kid drop-out working at Harrison's Roast Beef is the son of a Fidelity executive and that hot-ass MILF? He must be from North Andover then.

by JWR III December 5, 2005

353๐Ÿ‘ 147๐Ÿ‘Ž

Andover Goggles

Since there is such a small selection of hot girls at Phillips Academy, boys at PA have come to wear Andover Goggles. Andover Goggles lower the standard on average by 3.0186. Pennies seem like nickels, and nickels seem like dimes.

Chad: "Damn bro that chick is ugly"
*puts on andover goggles*

Winston: "That girl is a 5 in real life but with andover goggles she's a 9."

by Dr. Hagler September 27, 2010

73๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Andover Massachusetts

The most affluent suburb north of Boston. Many of of the residents work in the city grossing a average income of $200,000. A popular sought after suburban town gives residents a beautiful downtown area, choice of renown private schools and neighborhoods filled with new construction brick colonials used for filming hollywood movies. With high property taxes and median home values, Andover has become one of the most elite suburbs of Massachusetts.

Jared: Woah beamers, bendz, and bentleys! Where are we?

Jim: We must be in Andover Massachusetts! I see Jennifer Garner filming "The Invention of Lying"

by Andover MA May 11, 2011

37๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

North andover

North Andover is a pretty boring town, if you're a teenager there's pretty much nothing to do besides go downtown, and thats boring as shit. And you can also go to the youth center, thats probably the most boring place iv ever been to. This town is filled with pot heads, Mostly every kid at The high school. you'll find these kids smoking pot at the over pass, the bridge behind mcdonalds, the park, and many other places. It's also filled with rich bitches. You can find this rich bitches out in the "boonies" as we call it. The "boonies" means in the middle of fucking no where. These houses are around smolacks farm or sargent. Lets talk about North Andover middle school shall we? North Andover middle school is filled with a bunch of immature fucks. Most of the girls wear short shorts that show their ass and low cut shirts that everyone can see their boobs. And all the boys drool all over them and try to have sex with them. The boys wear the same thing everyday, shorts, nike shoes and some nike shirt that says "dont sweat my swag" or "money is my game" and other gay ass sayings. The kids at this school are brutal. And I mean BRUTAL. Your either popular or a loser. That's how this school is. No one gives a shit about who you are or how you feel. So if your planning to move here? Find somewhere else and save yourself from this poor excuse of a town.

Typical North Andover boy: "Oh dude look at her tits! Isn't she hot??? "Yeah you can see right through her shirt!" "She came over to me today and let me touch her tits and she even kissed her friend infront of me!!" "awesome"

by Nunyabusinesskid May 8, 2013

43๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Andover High

A school where the students enjoy jizzing on cookies and force innocent freshman to eat them. Andover high jokes are very common in the New England area now. Such references as "Ookie Cookie" and "Soggy Cookie" are very common.

"I hear Andover high is serving Double-stuffed oreos now"

by longschlongmcgangbang December 11, 2011

35๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Andover High

Andover is a small town located in Minnesota, The high school has been nick named the โ€œrich kids, also very similar to andover high in massachusetts we also have a absent amount of black students and our main rival is Anoka,but in reality we are the real A town. from rich parents with millions of money,andover has lots of loaded kids with money to blow on expensive clothes shoes bags and anything designer. Andover is considered the Princeton of anoka hennepin, with itโ€™s new 50 million renovation our school will still be the grand school beating anokas prison walls and coon rapids mini office looking high school, and blaineโ€™s copycat version of anoka high, The kids here fall into a few categories and if you donโ€™t fall into a clique your usually irrelevant, there are different types of popular people ranging from jocks to druggies. Many transfer students come in taxis to school,some from group homes who usually leave in less than a year,because they probably cannot keep up with the extensive style of the Andover kids. Take one of these kids to Anoka High and theyโ€™ll have there ass handed to them, in andover they have money popularity and a clique,take them to a new school and theyโ€™ll have nothing. point is,only go to andover if your rich. Most kids like to join after school activitys instead of getting drunk or high on a weekend.

โ€œDude did you see Her new car?โ€
โ€œNo dude i havnt,what car is it?โ€
โ€œitโ€™s a Mercedesโ€
โ€œoh she must be from andover high โ€œ

by jerimyajenkinglyn May 19, 2019

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