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Someone who is anti religion. Separated from "Atheists" by their disapproval of religion as opposed to non-subscription to religion.

Anti-theists see atheists as fence sitters in a struggle between they whom view faith as virtuous and they whom see faith as the corruption of wilful ignorance.

by Prisoner of Logic December 21, 2022

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Any person that does not believe in organized religion but believes in a god and the core principle commonality found within the earliest versions of all religious doctrines of, "Love thy neighbor".

I am an anti-religious-theist that believes in an individuals right to believe in any god they do choose as long as that belief does not disregard right over wrong morally and does not intentionally hurt anyone else. My religion believes in love.

Not absolutism of one religion being right over another and not who is entitled to what property or possession or land. And not classifying any human being to be better or worse than another.

Just universally recognized love.

by Boomerboy79 December 31, 2016

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Somebody who comes to the sudden realization that they can count the number of wars and genocides that HAVEN’T been caused by religion on one hand, and that maybe mass indoctrination isn’t such a good idea. Cannot stress enough that anti-theists don’t hate people who are religious, they hate the way religions control people from a very young age and how they threaten people with a nonexistent threat if they don’t do as they are told.

All my life I was raised in a Christian household, I was a good follower, I never questioned anything. But the more I thought about it, the more I came to the realization that religion is completely illogical and just doesn’t make sense. I tried to tell my family that I was an atheist, and my dad beat me within an inch of my life. After that I decided that anything that would influence someone to beat their child almost to death in the name of a nonexistent being can’t be just ignored, it needs to be stopped. It was then I became an anti-theist.

by Hail_Satan November 17, 2023