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A word used to describe people from the Middle East. It is often used wrongly in describing Muslims.

There over 1 billion Muslims in the world and the majority are not Arab.

by ForFreedom February 24, 2006

1821πŸ‘ 1640πŸ‘Ž


An Arab is originally a term for a person from the arabian peninsula. During the islamin conquests arabs spread to other areas. Arabs are a subdivision of the semetic people, which includes israelis, not those european ones frech off the boat from russia that call israel home, but the real ones.

Ur an arab...
Look at those Arabs

by Unknown February 23, 2005

114πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž


Here is a definition for those full of hatery towards Arabs. These are the facts: Arabs are the people who discover algorithmics (all computer science is based on algorithmics), first to perform a surgery on patient, invented the number zero, invented astronomy and cartography (maps), etc etc etc. While you could find 10000 books (on paper) in the libraries of Baghdad in the 7th century, you would be happy to find 5 books in europe (Arabs introduced the paper to europe). Read about their history and then you will never say a thing about Arabs.

Avicen, Averros, Beh Khaldoun, Ghazali, etc etc are some of the names that marked Arab civilization, a civilization that lasted 8 centuries. When Arabs were writing math and astronomy formulas, your primitive ancestors were wondering around in european forrests killing each other.

by XOPBB August 6, 2006

2366πŸ‘ 2287πŸ‘Ž


Someone who lives in the Middle East or has Arabic decent

Person 1 I was at Saudi Arabia and there were a lot of Arabs

Person 2 No shit you were in the Middle East

by Afika May 21, 2018


A group of people who were born in the Middle East. Not everyone there is Muslim, there are a lot of Christians too. Iraq, Iran, Yemen, and Syria are all in the Middle East, of course there are way more too.

Me: I am Arab


Thats not a way of how it’s used and it’s bot true. πŸ’•

by Ms.PickleJuice March 31, 2020

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


The term "Arabs" is a term often used to describe people from mainly Arabic speaking countries. Many un-enlightened people use "Arabs" to define people who they believe to be Arabs, but may infact be Indians, or any number of other nationalities. Commonly pronounced "A-rabs" when the term is intended to be a insult.

Links that may be of further interest: The middle east, Iraq

"See those lovely Arabs talking over there? They are my new in-laws."

by Jessica T July 24, 2005

82πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž


A member of the Arabic people, who inhabit the Middle East. Often targeted by the American media as terrorists, the people for whom to blame our problems upon. Many Arabs are of the Islamic faith, although there are many other religious groups as well. Stereotyped as turban-wearing, grinning madmen carrying AK47s, Arabs have contributed greatly to modern society and formed many great empires in the past.

Hey, I wonder what race that guy is?
Don't know, he might be an Arab.

by Profound Q February 2, 2006

1428πŸ‘ 1594πŸ‘Ž