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Someone that knows a store they shop at exploits workers, exploits suppliers, exploits taxpayers, exploits foreign slave labor, and exploits its own monopolies . . . but doesn't care because they saved a few pennies.

Why is Seshysama an asshole?--shops at Wal*Mart: quod erat demonstrandum.

by KarmaPolice1986 February 11, 2014

18๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


(n) a person with no regard for other peoples' feelings; the epidemy of a jerk; a prick; a completely self-centered individual; someone who isn't concerned with how their actions affect other people.

(n) The entrance to one's rectum; an exit-only orifice.

That guy was a real asshole. He shouldn't talk to you like that.

He kicked me right in the asshole!!!

by FellFromTheNest June 22, 2008

57๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


(1) The shit-stained orifice situated between the two halves of the gluteus maximus muscle. Its primary function is biological elimination, but humans occasionally abuse it for sodomy purposes.

(2) A human being, usually male, subjectively deemed to exemplify traits of the anatomic equivalent, usually due to obvious character flaws that cause emotional distress in others, or unprovoked aggressive behavior.

(3) The male equivalent of a "bitch," when "bitch" describes a woman displaying unwarranted aggressive behavior.

(1) "I took such a big dump that my asshole hurts."

"Due to the relatively weak structure of the asshole's surrounding tissues in comparison to the vagina, HIV is sometimes thought erroneously to be more contagious via anal sex."

(2) "You're such an asshole for telling that old lady to fuck herself."

"My ex-boyfriend is such an asshole, calling me 10 times a day."

(3) ::After nearly getting in a barfight:: "Let's get out of here, you don't have to deal with these assholes."

by inversewebster January 13, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A male human being who does not care about you and cares only about himself. He is the kind of guy who tries not to care about a woman's emotions when it doesn't get him laid. He may feign feelings when a woman is on top of him however he is just using a practiced act. He is the kind of individual who asks you to text him and never texts back causing ridiculous amounts of frustration and confusion.

Assholes are often good looking and popular. This allows them to act as if the know the definition of cool and sexy and decide wether others fit this definition or not.

Deep down an asshole may be a sweet and good person but he is shallow, selfish and outwardly sexual which blocks off his good qualities. He remains however completely irresistible to a few people who foolishly forgive his behaviours and choose to see past them.

Similar to jerk

Girl 1: Why arn't you meeting up with Jake?
Girl 2: Because he asked me to hook up with him and then when I tried to set up a date he ignored me. In short he is an Asshole.
Girl 1: But you still like him?
Girl 2: Of course I do.

by Mad@Jake December 14, 2012

19๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


That's how we call someone who is mean

S: *being mean*
L: Ur an asshole

by WeAre300_kids April 20, 2022

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person, or thing that looks exactly like the hole of an ass, or acts like there is shit spewing out of their mouth

man Vincent is such an ASSHOLE! he grabbed my cock out of no where and ripped my balls off

that dog over there just pissed on my shoe, what an asshole!!

do you see how wide that guys mouth is?! what an asshole!!

by chya mamma December 8, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A self-centered guy who steals girls first kisses then breaks their hearts.

"My ex-boyfriend is a real asshole! For he is the definition of asshole."

by MuffinBananaHammock January 20, 2007

29๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž