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Attention Whore

A person on Facebook who posts statuses/pictures in order to get shares or likes. Like with other types of attention whores, it is best to just ignore these people, as they are usually just desperate for recognition. Also known as a tryhard.

Attention whore: share if u love jesus! ignore if u want to die of aids!
Normal person: STFU
Me: What an attention whore...

by SlavaRossiya17 May 12, 2013

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Attention Whore

a person who will do anything to get attention, good or bad

Wow! That Maria is such an attention whore!

by Jess wit a K October 25, 2005

106πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

attention whore

There are sorta 2 versions of attention whores (they are usually girls). These kind of people are also known as drama queens. Ironically, it means that they like to cause a commotion and act as the victim.

Internet attention whore is a girl who joins forums, blogs, etc. They like to flirt with guys and act stupid and are usually very, very spammy. They post pictures of themselves (see cam whore) and say how ugly they feel (to generate compliments). If you feel ugly, why did you put yourself up? COMMON SENSE!! Alot of them are pretty good at Photoshop and all those editing stuff (which is pretty much their only talent). There are also those attention whores who know a couple of famous people, and post a lot of pictures of them with the famous person. A funny thing about these people: ever notice how most of their friends are guys, and girl friends are usually just like them?

Real life attention whores are people who have a strong craving for attention. When the light isn't focused on them, they desperately look for a way to make people notice them. RL attention whores constantly change the way they look. A good example is hair. They get these really weird looking hairstyles, with neon colors and other stuff. They usually have bad attitudes, but can be nice sometimes. Real life attention whores are also sometimes online attention whores.

Online attention whore on her blog: hey loozers!! posted up some pics for all my fans (tehe). SHOUTOUTS 2 MY BITCHES NIKKI AND JAC!!! <3 Ash-bash

Real life attention whore talking: Like, what the hell? That is sooo rad!! F*** yeah!

by Disclaimed August 23, 2007

115πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

attention whore

A person, usually female, who tends to: dress excessively provocatively (i.e., high heels and cleavage to the upper abdomen for a 2 year old's birthday party); keep eye contact with her female audience (her "competition") to a bare minumum, flickering the occasional glance only to verify she still has their attention, while standing toe to toe with a loud open mouth with any male who does not step back; raises her voice and speaks over others to either a) ensure that input into a conversation by any other females is not noticed or b) make sure no one forgets she is in the vicinity; constantly reapplies makeup/lipgloss in public; cannot stop talking about her clothing size/weight; loves being the only female to "show up" on an all-guys night out or trip and bragging about some happening in detail to each man's wife afterward; ends a visit/conversation only when someone else actually has something to say or starts to yawn.

His wife is an attention whore and I loathe her.

by SouthernBelle92 February 2, 2006

664πŸ‘ 223πŸ‘Ž

attention whore

A person who competes for attention, or does/says things soley to recieve attention. Often these things are stupid, obnoxious or unbelievable.

Ignore her, she's just an attention whore.

by kwoodruff November 1, 2005

48πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

attention whore

A female who begs for attention and is upset when she does not get it. Most people hate them. Can be found on the internet

I am an attention whore

by DizzyLizzy January 18, 2007

45πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Attention Whore

Someone who screams attention through many discrete means at the expense of others.

1)Text Message - The attention whore message is delivered to someone that is currently dating or was dating. Alternatively, they are half assed friendships that they can’t seem to shelve because they are attention whores.
Their text would be a message of curiosity commonly inquiring what you are doing but ultimately is a sad form of attention to see how much interest is still there. The clear distinction between honest inquiries is follow through. β€œLet’s meet up some time” OK!. Also, the text has a tendency to end abruptly because you have already satisfied their needs of whoredom. This can be devastating to some or a bit of an annoyance to others depending on how much you give a shit.
*WARNING: Apathy breeds more texts. Attention whores sense they are losing you and will continue to text until you back in the vicious cycle of random texts or you drop them completely.

2) Taco Shop -β€œLet’s go home and get naked!” Attention whores are notorious for making random remarks to see if their male counterpart will actually come home and touch a boob or two when in actuality the man gets no play at all. The attention whore passes out snoring and regrets whole thing via text the next day. A.W - β€œDid we kiss?” Apathetic Man – β€œNo, I just placed it in the butt”
3) Party Scene – β€œYou know out of all the people I met in San Diego, you’re my favorite. We should hang out more” This attention whore maneuver is a classic bear trap. They reel you in with what you thought was a candid moment. They provide plethora of compliments and flirty actions only for them to ignore your call later and precedes a two day later text about how they missed your message.
*Complimenting these actions with an actual β€œdate” is a recipe for disaster.

by snoopaloop92109 December 7, 2010

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