Source Code


1: the sounds nightcrawler of the x-men makes when teleporting.

2:bad ass mother fucker.

I wish i could be a bamf like nightcrawler.

by apple_eater January 8, 2009

36๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž



A term most commonly used by geologists to describe something or someone that shows an unmeasurable degree of awesomeness.

Man I totally got shitfaced and fought last night. BAMF

by jeancougar February 5, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


BAMF - This means 'bad ass mother fucker'. A very cool person. Someone so incredible, so amazing that they can look at you and BOOM - You're pregnant. That is how cool they are.

E.g. Severus Snape is a BAMF

Remus Lupin is a BAMF

Draco Malfoy is a BAMF

Harry Potter is a BAMF

Ron Weasley is a BAMF

Lord Voldemort is a .... Yeah, not so much.

by AbziLou May 8, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Well, I assume most of you know what BAMF stands for. However, what really is a badassmotherfu****? My interpretation of acronym is someone who is pretty cool. You kinda want to be this person, but you're too scared to try. A BAMF is a magnet. Most people are attracted to this person and/or intimidated by this person.

So-and-so is such a BAMF. He/she can do anything. I wish I could be like that.

by YakaKitty April 10, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž



A group of people in BLACK OPS MAC you don't want to mess with.

Very friendly but yet secretly evil.

They WILL knife/gun the nationality out of you so make sure you know what nationality you wanna be before you face them.

You just got BAMF'ed.

bad guy: you suck
bamf: lol okay, we will just BAMF you in the ass

by lfkennguyen March 11, 2013


"Basically Awesome Math Fundamental": specifically, the constant e.
The name itself is a pun, because e is used as a base for exponential and logarithmic functions.

Only a BAMF can model population growth of cute, huggable wasps accurately!

by Anonymous57yo November 21, 2017



My 83 year old dad was UDT/EOD, ran the SEALS through their HELL WEEK, was the Special Weapons guy at the Yorktown Naval Weapons Station and still runs a farm. He had OUT PATIENT hernia surgery a month and a half ago and was seen at a camp-out yesterday. He is a BAMF.

by virginiavapors May 23, 2010