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Bum Fuck Retard. used to describe an incredibly stupid person who does incredibly stupid things.

Alex: isn't that the kid who ate all that super glue?

Jay Jay: ya, what a BFR.

by Jacob Swiecicki "Jay Jay" February 13, 2007

6👍 26👎


Big Fat Ruby

BFR : A big fat dog that outweighs a D-8 Cat bulldozer. Meaning dog that is massively overweight and spoiled.

by Dr. Tremblay certified vet. May 2, 2011

5👍 24👎


Short for be for real and the lesser version of bffr.

"You're really telling me that you just forgot to use a condom, Chad."
"I know it sounds stupid but I'm bfr with you rn."

by Raregotjokes October 10, 2022


Bfr- is a slang term for be 'for real'

'are you serious bfr bro'

by S@MMI3 December 21, 2022


Boyfriend Replacement

My new dog, Jackson is the best BFR.

by Assmatt August 9, 2022


it’s short for before.

Me: “guys when are we hanging out?”

friend: “ def bfr school”

by sosoflyyyy August 5, 2022


Stands for “Be for real”, meaning “be serious”.
Just like bffr, which is for be fucking for real, just without the curse word and with less intensity.

Person 1: This guy tried to catfish me and sent me a picture of Ryan Reynolds and said that was him!
Person 2: Bfr. He really tried to do that?! How stupid.

by highreeve February 18, 2023