Choccy Bilk is revolutionary it’s a new innovation in the alcoholic beverage industry. Mix 1 part milk 1 part Coors banquet and two table spoons of nesquick powder toped with an Oreo and a vanilla wafer
Choccy bilk is the face of the future
The act of creating something intentionally controversial so that you can claim that you're being unjustly censored when private businesses don't want to be associated with it, with the objective of motivating the easily-manipulated into reacting emotionally and patronizing/advocating for your product.
They willingly send you their money and encourage others to do the same as a protest of the legitimate market reaction to your creation.
"The Sound of Freedom" and "Try that in a small town" are some top-quality Rube-Bilking. They made a fortune off of those morons.
A work used by stoners in reference to a specific liquid dairy product.
Holy shit Kevin, that bilk was so good!
Milk on steriods
Big big doses can cause severe mine grains yes yes
Bilk like a brick
Did you see Joe Jackson? he's definitely been drinking bilk
When you run off without paying your cab fare.
“How was work dad?”
“It was alright but some fucker bilked me”
Bitch milk.
Originally found as a misspelling of milk on the drinks section of Riverdale Diner. Bilk is given to/needed for those who are acting like sad/hurt/weak bitches in a comedic fashion.
I had to put some bilk in my coffee this morning because I couldn't stop falling asleep at work.
He needs some bilk!