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This girl is one of the best friends you could ask for, she will keep all of your secrets and make you feel more special than anybody else. She is what you call a real mood maker, she’ll always try to make you happy, even if she isn’t.
Girls can only dream of being like her!

Boys are head over heels for her, but don’t let her fool you, she might be a secret lesbian! ;)

Boy:”woah, who’s that?!”
Me:”oh, you mean the best best friend you could ever ask for, the goddess with the brown hair and a nice sense of fashion? That’s Beatrice!”
Boy:”She’s mine!”
Me, whispering:”hey chill out dude, she’s a lesbian!”

by <Rina3 November 11, 2019

5👍 1👎


(bēt rīs)rice that has been brutally beaten by its abusive father. Commonly mistaken for the female name, Beatrice.

"I want beatrice."

by Mishark April 20, 2018

16👍 10👎


The best person ever!!!! SHES SUPER HOT AND SHMEXY LIKE SHREK! She’s super nice and an amazing friend!! If you have a Beatrice keep them FOREVER!!!

Do you want to go to starbies with Beatrice

Hell no that Biotch is to awesome for me!😭

by Peatric_starbies_BIOTCH March 26, 2021

6👍 2👎


Basically a Vampire, without any of the benefits a vampire gets.

Guy: Let's go out!
Beatrice: but the sun is up
Guy: Ugh, you're such a Beatrice

by AK-5043 May 30, 2016

33👍 23👎


The king of kings. God of gods. Bea is better than you, and everyone else. He will dominate the world, and dominatey your mother. Beatrice gets bitches.

Damn dude did you see Beatrice’s killer fit today?

by Beanie1312 October 7, 2022


She is a beautiful and really pretty girl, she is so kind and cares about everyone. The aries beatrices’ are especially nice and they normally crush on other aries and leos

Oh have you seen beatrice. Sge is so pretty.

by astrologyboy May 21, 2021

4👍 1👎


She is super nice and always cares for those around her. She is always there for you and always right. She wants to a boyfriend that is caring and supportive just like her. Once you find a beatrice keep her close to you, never let her go, and always try and make her laugh. She's a great girlfriend and one of a kind she is the best person to hangout with. Anyone with the letter E means they are meant to B.

Beatrice is amazing
Beatrice is a great girlfriend
Beatrice is the best

by RandoABC February 17, 2022

4👍 1👎