1- a drinking game nobody plays.
2- synonym for beruit, a game that lots of people play.
Hey, stop calling beer pong beruit. While you may be correct, beruit just sounds dumb. And its played on a ping pong table so beer pong still works.
151๐ 386๐
Everyone is a fucking idiot if they are to think that Beer pong is the previous description. Bei ruit is the game that is being described. The game is played with 20 cups, not 12. There are 10 on each side shaped in a pyramid. The point faces the opponenent. Beer pong is a game that is much related to ping pong (notice the words being the same). It involves 2 cups on each side and a whole bunch of crazy rules that I dont understand.
Beer pong is for the southern idiots who dont realize they are playing bei ruit
76๐ 328๐
"The game which has come to be known as "beer pong" in some areas of the United States - more specifically southern and western states - is actually a game originally named "beirut." The mistaken name of beer pong is derived from several unfortunate instances in which men from these areas attempted to say "beirut" while holding a penis in their mouth, resulting in a mumbled word resembling "beer pong." Unfortunately, these instances seem to continue to occur even to this day, resulting in a nearly nation-wide misconception that the game beirut is actually called beer pong."
uncool dude: "hey lets play beer pong?"
cool dude: "wtf are you talking about?"
uncool dude: "u kno, cups, beer, table, ping pong balls..."
cool dude: (smacks uncool dude) "its called beruit"
62๐ 284๐
beer pong simply just depends where you are from and where the people you party with are from. playing with ping pong paddles and ping pong balls was the way it was intended to be played. but how many people do you know that randomly have ping pong paddles without a ping pong table? lets face it, not many play on a ping pong table anymore. any table or dresser would do. most rules honestly depend on where and who you play with. no one's version is wrong or right. who gives a fuck just play, have a good time, and respect who ever's house your playing at. most kids now a days play with cups (usually ten) for each team, set up in a pyramid shape. ping pong balls or aluminum foil if you are in a pinch are tossed into your opponents cups. if you sink it, they drink it. again, depends on the rules and way you are playing
me and my boyfriend were the beer pong champs at the last few parties.
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Also known as GBP, Giant Beer Pong is a variation of the game Beer Pong played outside with 12 large trash cans and 2 rubber balls. Cans (6 per side) are set up in a triangle formation 6 to 8 yards apart and players (2 per team) try to make the opposing teams cans.
Rules: Are the same as beer pong, though no re-racks are permitted and to achieve "balls back" both players on a team must make the same can.
Drinking: You should be drinking at all times and extra when the opposing team makes cans on your side.
Credited for the game: "5 sexy" UCSB
When returning the trash cans to the hardware store after a weekend of Giant Beer pong, we simply stated "The beach clean up was canceled."
Giant Beer Pong.....woot!
50๐ 3๐
The rules for this game vary among areas and college campuses throughout. There are a few definite rules that are followed in every game regardless of host, but House Rules are the major factor in determining the rules to be followed.
Some basic universal beer pong rules include:
1) bounce cups are worth 2 cups (ball can be blocked).
2) guys finger, girls blow.
3) 2 re-racks per team, per game.
4) same cup is worth 3 cups and balls back.
5) both teammates making a cup is balls back.
40๐ 3๐
Beer Pong is a game played by 4 players, two on each side. It is played with two ping pong balls. Six cups are then placed on each side in a pyramid fashion (six on each side). Also to keep the game sanitary, a cup of water is placed on each side to rinse the ball in case it drops on the floor. The cups are filled half full (roughly 2 beer cans will be used for each side).
The object of the game is to shoot the ping pong balls into the opponents cups, making them drink. Once all cups on one side of the table are made, then the team who made the cups win.
Special rules: Make it till you miss... when a team makes the last cup, the opposing team has an opportunity to make all the remaining cups as long as they do not miss, if they do, game over.
Satellites - the cup you are drinking out of is your satellite, if an opposing player makes it into your cup, game over.
Bounces - bounces can be off of anything, the table, wall, a person, as long as it bounces, a bounce counts as two cups.
If both players from one team makes the same cup in the same turn, they win.
Every house has different house rules, usually posted on the wall. Find out what house rules they use when playing and abide by them.
Started trippin on mushrooms while playing beer pong and the cups seemed to be moving around... and i still went 15 games straight
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