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yall cant behave

An excuse for a moderator to lock a thread. Usually, it is for one of two reasons:

1: The moderator is too lazy to do their job.

2: The moderator didn't like what the commenters were saying.

Commenter 1: How did this get 2000 upvotes in 30 minutes?

—Commenter 2: ikr? and what's up with the pinned comment? it sounds like an ad!

——Commenter 3: inb4y'all can't behave

One hour later…

Moderator: locked 'cuz yall cant behave💀

deleted: removed

—deleted: removed

——deleted: removed

by bruhthisismyhandle August 28, 2022

Y’all can’t behave

A phrase associated with Reddit moderators who lock threads because people “break the rules”, or otherwise get too out of hand. Often used when lots of comments in the thread get removed.

Also known as getting “y’alled”.

This post has been reported like 100 times, so I’m locking it because y’all can’t behave.

by what’sapseudonym July 1, 2021

1👍 1👎

make you behave like an animal

There are two things this could mean, one; you want them (your partner or really close friend) to behave like an animal, or two; it's a part of a song, called 'animal' by Sir Chloe. (imo it's really good,,)

Person 1: make you behave like an animal
Person 2: do it no balls


Person 1: make me behave like an animal!
Person 2: I'm asking nicely, give me what I want!

Person 1: I'm asking politely, give me what I want!!
(They continue to sing the full song together)

by Roi_ May 25, 2023

oh, behave!

The classic line form Austin D. Powers

Austin: Oh, Behave!

by June 30, 2024

oh, behave!

Oh, Behave
Oh, behave!

Austin: "Oh, behave!"

Austin: "Oh, behave!"

Austin: "Oh, behave! "

Austin: "Oh, behave!"

Austin: "Oh, behave!"

Austin: "Oh, behave!"

Austin: "Oh, behave!"

Austin: "Oh, behave!"

by June 30, 2024

Y'all can't behave

An excuse for a moderator to lock a thread. Usually, it is for one of two reasons:

1: The moderator is too lazy to do their job.

2: The moderator didn't like what the commenters were saying.

Commenter 1: How did this get 2000 upvotes in 30 minutes?

—Commenter 2: ikr? and what's up with the pinned comment? it sounds like an ad!

——Commenter 3: inb4y'all can't behave

One hour later…

Moderator: locked 'cuz y'all can't behave💀

deleted: removed

—deleted: removed

——deleted: removed

by bruhthisismyhandle August 13, 2022

DJs behaving badly

A really cool podcast about someone claiming to be a DJ but really there not.

Yay there a new podcast on DJs behaving badly just cam out on Spotify.

by Mr H Jones February 5, 2022