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wijuden beri

what P. Diddy does

no doubt i dont front you suckas

by - July 7, 2003


Someone who hates her life. She eats her feelings and watches mukbangs at 2 am while crying because she is hungry.

I just failed my test, that’s one hell of a beri

by Kurdak black November 20, 2017


Beris, a variant of the name Bariz, is an arabic name and holds the meaning “visible”, “prominent”, “known”, “opposite of hidden”.

Oh WAIT, is that Beris?!

by TheMysteriousDragon November 20, 2021


The ultimate of all grown losers. A Beris is someone who does not accept their fate as the biggest loser of all and will dispute this whatever the cost may be.

Joe Mama: He man, you are such a Beris, I have never seen such a bigger emBERISment in my entire life!

Beris: NOOOO!?!? What do you mean, that is absurd. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

by Parrrzzz August 6, 2022


A caucasian Legend with who you can't mess with. He trains in the Caucasian Mountains with bears, wolfs and eagles and he eats a lot of hinkali and hatchapuri. People know him as the God of Caucasus and he also can make your momma wet. He's also know as MilfHunter. His origin is from Georgia, Rustavi.

Wow its Beri the God

by Caucasian Beri November 20, 2021


A caucasian Legend with who you don't mess with. He's know as a god in the Caucasian Mountains and countries and he lives in the Caucasian Mountains. He trains everyday fighting beara, wolves and eagles. He mainly eats hinkali and hatchapuri. People call him God Of Caucasus. He's also known as MilfHunter due to his love in single mothers. Hes origin is from Georgia, Rustavi.

Wow its Beri the Caucasian God

by Caucasian Beri November 20, 2021