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Perhaps I am the first Long Islander to say good things about Binghamton and the University. In fact, I turned down an offer from Cornell to come here because it doesn't really matter where you go to undergrad once you are considering colleges on the level of Binghamton and up. The school pours a bunch of money into my Bioengineering department and almost all my teachers have degrees from MIT and Harvard (and Tokyo Uni) so why should I pay another 30 grand a year. I'll save the money for grad school when it really matters. Oh yeah, then there is also the fact that 80% of CEOs today went to public school (like the guy who currently runs Disney). University is just a tool and a background. It doesn't make you successful, it just gives you a few opportunities to have you help yourself.

Yes the weather sucks in the winter, but it is beautiful in the summer time. You can't see mountains like this on Long Island. Additionally there are a number of cultural events that go on in Bing all the time. Lucia Di Lammermoor, came here to do Opera and there is the Speedie Fest and such in August I think. There is one vintage thrift shop downtown that designers from Manhattan come to to steal ideas and resell for 10x the price.

So while Bing is no Manhattan, its no bumblefuck either. Additionally, Cornell should be nicer if you are going to pay thirty thousand extra dollars a year. For that amount of money, they should powder your balls (like the gentleman below indicated of Long Islanders).

I had a friend who went to University of Hawaii at Manoa which is much lower ranking than Binghamton (but hey its Hawaii) and he went to Yale for physics for grad school, so who the fuck cares where he went for undergrad.

Stop bitching and take control of your life. Then get shitfaced

Rod Serling lived in Binghamton 'till 18.

by The Tiki June 23, 2006

285๐Ÿ‘ 171๐Ÿ‘Ž


The armpit of the United States. Alternatively, A place that makes third-world eastern European countries look enticing

I got to school in the hole named Binghamton, you've probably never heard of it but it's 3 hours fom NYC.

by Homey G Slice February 7, 2007

105๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


ive lived in bing my whole life and the thing that sucks the most about it is all the stuck up long island fucks that go to BU and do nothing but bitch about how bad binghamton is. If you don't like it fucking transfer, no one here will miss your gay asses.Bing sucks, but it's def not the worst, look at alot of schools in small towns in the middle of nowhere like oneonta, fredonia, etc... now that shit sucks...at least we have shit to do. Go home and take your fat girls in tiny skirts and toolbags w/ unbuttoned dress shirts w/ no shirts on underneath and spiky hair with you.

the rat on a saturday night

by . April 3, 2005

346๐Ÿ‘ 235๐Ÿ‘Ž


An absolute shithole surrounded by trailer parks (lots of them) and white-trash. Poverty. Ignorance. Beer-bellies and camoflauge. Women are overweight and just plain nasty. People from NJ are assholes? I've never encountered such a rude bunch in my life, and I've lived in 4 states, NJ included. People are just miserable. Advance Auto Parts is a zoo, full of broke-ass, rusting off the frame, 20 year old Chevy pickup trucks with their hoods up fixing their pieces in the parking lot so they can get on with their pathetic lives. Area is full of side-of-the-road redneck car dealerships run by a bunch of crooks. I've never seen so many people without teeth, or the ones they have left are rotting. Everyone smokes. Extreme uneducation. This includes the surrounding areas as well. Broome County is one of the poorest counties in the nation, #30 to be exact. A lot of petty crimes and drunks. NOT an area you move to to get ahead in life!!! Just look in the local classifieds...if you do find a job it's most likely blue-collar, no education required at an unliveable pay-scale. The pay here is ridiculously low. Real estate is worth NOTHING. If you want to cling to the lower rungs of society, move to the Southern Tier!!!

Binghamton is an absolute shithole surrounded by trailer parks (lots of them) and white-trash. Poverty. Ignorance. Beer-bellies and camoflauge. Women are overweight and just plain nasty.

by YJ January 11, 2007

133๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž


Cold, dark and depressing is a sheer understatement (you will definitely be on anti-depressants by second semester of your freshman year). You think going out will help...haha no, if you make it to the bars alive after riding in a cab with a driver who is either drunk or high off something, downtown basically consists of lame bars that are so crowded that you are sweating even in your hoochie tank top, denim skirt and flip flops when it is smack in the middle of winter with a snow storm going on outside. Everyone has a New Jersey i.d. that their next door neighbor on their floor made for them off of their brand new dell laptop. Yea, mine as well stay home and oh wait not drink or smoke, because your R.A. may call the police on you. Sorority girls are all disgusting, mostly because they are from long island and think that even if they weigh 40 lbs overweight its alright to wear solos. The frat guys are disgusting, with one good looking one in all of greek life. They think they are awesome because they all wear the same pink polo downtown. If you think Roslyn is bad, you have never met the girls here. They are jappy yet have no taste so just wear whatever is tight and is namebrand, if not overweight, they resemble an 11 year old girl with no breasts or ass. Ok, so if your not in greek life your Israeli and you think this is israel parading around with your long hair and hebrew constantly written on your tshirts, and you only associate with other israelis while smoking hookah outside even when its -30 degrees because you think you r so unique. Then there are the stoners, all living in CIW, who are kool yet really annoying because they dont realize that if you are white and from long island its not okay to have dreads or pretend that you even comprehend the lyrics of a bob marley song. Ok so the other half of the school, not being jewish, is obviously asian, wearing hollister like its their job. What is with their timberlands that they wear on the one day in binghamton when it is 80 degrees. As for professors, don't plan on passing classes without devoting your life to the library, they havent yet realized that we all come here bc we weren't good enough to get into cornell, despite the fact that everyone wears cornell sweatshirts here. We don't have a football team and no one goes to games. Why bother coming here, I'll tell you why, because you are some rich white kid from long island who couldn't get in anywhere else and your parents dont feel like paying for your bmw (which you cant move bc its always snowing) and all of your jeans that have pre-ripped holes plus a good college education!!

Refer to Long Island but at -50 degrees

by Jill =) October 25, 2004

187๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A surreal industrial graveyard populated by pensioners, criminals, corrupt police, out-of-touch governmental officials, slum-lords, and drug-addled eccentrics. Popular pass-times include recreational drug use, doing nothing to improve the culture of the city while simultaneously complaining about how there's no culture, and going to the hospital for tetanus shots.

2. What would manifest if Salvador Dali free-based a highly concentrated crystalline mixture of Bukowski and William S. Buroughs out of the soft spot in a new-born's skull.

3. What the rest of America will look like in another 50 years.

Perma-Drunk Non-descript Long Island Bro #1: "Bro, Binghamton is totally balls."
Perma-drunk Non-descript Long Island Bro #2: "Totally dawg, I don't understand why things never improve when we just piss all over the entire city."

Crotchety Pensioner: "You young hooligans leave my ailing, decrepit wasteland alone! I won't stand to have you bringing revenue into the city!"

Perma-Drunk Non-descript Long Island Bro #2: "Fuck you old man!"

Crotchety Pensioner: "I may be old but I could still lick ya!"

Perma-Drunk Non-descript Long Island Bro #2: "Ah you couldn't lick a plastic spoon. Hey bro, check this out dawg!" *vomits on a passing homeless man who gives no sign that he's aware of the presence of anyone else*

Drug-Addled Homeless Eccentric: "Garbled kangaroo steals rainbows from children Binghamton have a dollar OH NO why am I dancing and singing again?"

by Sheerlegs August 16, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


This place sucks unless you start smoking weed early in life (6th Grade) then you pretty much get shit-faced on the weekends return to school and do it again all over.

Typical Weekend
Call your friend, smoke weed,find one of the many lame ass house parties, smoke some more go to downtown binghamton scam on SUNYtoons, find some more parties. drive around east bumfuck smoking more weed. go home. repeat from next weekend until you graduate.

by Dopeboy November 24, 2006

59๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž