Blocky's Funny Doings International, later renamed Woody's Funny Doings International, is a fictional corporation in the show BFDI. The show revolves around Blocky playing pranks on various contestants, such as placing a Firey Recovery Center above water or filling a Bubble Recovery Center with tacks. Including putting a tree near a cliff and connecting an Ice Cube Recovery Center to it using a dull spring.
Blocky's Funny Doings International also involves non-canon pranks that appear in several BFDI shorts. Like in the short titled "Blocky Prank Compilation"
Blocky's Funny Doings's ownership was later transferred to Woody due to Blocky's elimination in BFB 24. As well as legal issues containing Blocky pulling a prank while at a court case due to the theft of Donut's Diary
"This program was brought to you by Blocky's Funny Doings International"
bad weed, weed you purchase on the block as opposed to the dispensary or from a reputable
"bro im dead bouta throw this whole pack out the window"
"shit is straight blocky"
When a video game's graphics lack detail so they pertain to the visual quality of blocks having edges.
"This game is so blocky it looks like it belongs on PS1"
A bisexual demiboy that wastes his time doing nothing and plays random games and has their own object OC who is gay
"im zeeep/pink blocky lol and i made this"
The act of receiving head, or a blowjob, while playing some insane tetris games.
“Babe it’s time for my daily blocky blowjob!”
What this usually means is this phrase would be used for pranking, it usually comes from a red gay block. he would most likely prank some other inanimate object like uh a flame or a bubble.
' ' this product is brought to you by blocky's funny doings international. ' '