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One who fucks up his life by raging over the simplest of things.
His life completely and utterly sucks and he can't afford to pay for anything other than dial up because his dad put the family in debt because of drugs. Also, if he gets sun burn, he cannot get his permit. Has the most awkward shaped body and yells a lot. Everybody gets pissed off at him for being alive and being ginger. Fuck you, bobbles.

Bobbles:Austin, don't worship Satan!
Austin: Bobbles, don't fucking punch windows.
Bobbles:You locked me out!
Austin:Go kick yourself, ass-hat.

by Mr. Penischeese June 29, 2012

4๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


an australian male with huge foreskin and likes getting naked constantly and enjoys a lot of drungs and alchol

( bobble can fit a fifty cent coin in his fore skin

by cock skin. September 5, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


(noun) Someone who is afraid of any contact with the opposite sex, such as physical, verbal and eye contact.

That girl wont even hold his hand, she is such a bobble!

by jEz Smith April 8, 2006

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To fetch, snag or grab.

Amar, bobble me a triscuit.

by suuper_jen May 21, 2007

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One who probably has a very, very small penis. Likely a combination of Bobbitt and probably.

Yo--what's up Bobbly.

by d0g3n November 13, 2004

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Although rarely seen in its natural habitat, the bobbles is a secretive and mindful gamer, often picking off headshots with screams of "BS MOTHERFUCKING WALLHAX" coming from the walls.

Likes bunnies.

bobbles has a large willy.

by Not bobbles thats for sure!! March 20, 2003

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Slang term for Bob Hall. Combination of both names. Usually associated with being small and tiny genatalia.

"Hey Bobbles you tosser"

by Archy January 18, 2005

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