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boomer remover

Another name to define the ever-popular Corona Virus or COVID-19.

Kid 1: Did you see the new disease?
Kid 2: which one?
Kid 1: The boomer remover.

by tfuygilhiuyutghl March 13, 2020

Boomer Remover

Another way to say Coronavirus.

"The Boomer Remover will sure take care of those boomers, Jake."

by THE GUY FROM FUCKNITE April 18, 2020

5👍 2👎

boomer remover

Another name for the coronavirus Covid-19.

So called since boomers have shown little respect for nature or minorities, and because Covid-19 is a part of nature that just happens to have an extremely low mortality rate for those under 50, while being very deadly to baby boomers and anyone else that old or beyond.

Mr. X: "Hey Vinny, *cough cough* I got the stuff!"
Vinny: "You got the boomer remover?!"
Mr. X: "SHHHH! and YES, I got it, now shake my hand I just coughed into, go south, and touch everything in as many diners and old people bars as you can. If we remove our detractors, we'll win the election!"

by Smellycat OnDaProwl March 13, 2020

28👍 24👎

Boomer Remover

Aka covid 19 aka coronavirus. You get it cuz it only affects people over the age of 60. Ha.

P1: the coronavirus is now referred to as the 'boomer remover'

by loldix March 14, 2020

6👍 4👎

Boomer Remover

Another name for corona virus

Unfortunately she has the boomer remover.

by 12345579 April 23, 2020

Boomer Remover

What Millennials and Gen-Z call COVID-19. It is more dangerous to old people (boomers) than to Gen-Z and Millennials so that's why it's called boomer remover.

Boomer: I have fucking Covid-19

Millennials: You mean Boomer Remover?

by destroyer of boomers May 20, 2020

Boomer Remover

The “Boomer Remover” is also used as a nickname for the coronavirus/Covid-19. The reason it is named this is because it is worst affecting people aged 55+, and boomers are aged 55-75

Hey, are you ok? You don’t seem too well. Maybe you caught the Boomer Remover while you were in china?

by peneupmybootyhole69 March 16, 2020