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shia le bouf

Conor is shia le bouf

Hey COnnie boy

Conor is shia le bouf

by derpyderp12 May 4, 2018

2👍 3👎


The Word for experiencing an ultimatum

“I’m bouffed as cacc rn” - I’m high af
“I’m bouffing this bitch” - Undercontext; either stuffing something either fucking up a bitch, either fucking hard with a bitch, either eating out a bitch.

by IsecondeTHIS September 14, 2019


bouf is a word for everything

Are you really bouffa do that?” “No bouf I wanted to.”

by bouf meaning June 3, 2022



I want bouf

by Glenn Harris February 12, 2019


A group of boys who often hang out together.

I saw Bouf walking by Walmart yesterday

by Averocke May 29, 2020


To have intercourse with a girl. Used in the 70’s and early 80’s. Crude language not used in mixed company.

I boufed that girl!

by Rickthephoneguy September 30, 2018

Bouf as fuck

something really weird, that you call someone out for.

aye that bitch with the green hair bouf as fuck

by Savage23orwhatever November 27, 2020