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If you are british you are one of the greatest people alive.The British are the most intelligent,most soficisticated and the best people in the world.
We invented everything that is more than half decent and we made the world what it is today.

"Dude are you British","Why yes I am", "Im so jealous of you cos Im a Yank and all we invented is pollution and friendly fire"

by LewThePimp May 19, 2007

230πŸ‘ 162πŸ‘Ž


A slightly eccentric but brilliant people who live in the British Isles. We are generally seen as quite snobby and cold but that's mainly down to our awkwardness when it comes to social situations. This is where our love of talking about the weather comes in handy as it is a universal ice breaker which we Brits use a lot. Luckily for us our weather is weird enough to make it quite an interesting and lengthy conversation. We also seem to be disliked for our sense of humour which can, if misunderstood, seem rude but to us sarcasm is a second language and its actually really funny if you get it. Oh also we probably are a bit obsessed with tea but then again its awesome.

Also we are not all racists who hate other countries, in fact that's only a small minority of the population. I personally think Americans are awesome and one of my favourite things about them is their presentation of the British in their TV programmes however inaccurate and non representing of the rest of Britain they are.

brit 1: hi

brit 2: hi

<awkward pause>

brit 1: so what is up with the weather?

brit 2: I know its so weird right...

<awkwardness avoided, British style>

by president of the berry club November 5, 2011

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Britain =

This is for the ignorant Americans (please, no offense - you are our overseas cousins), who all think that Britain is basically England... Errr....... nay...!

Britain is a united Kingdom of many countries. It is made of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and then England. Up until a short while ago, Britain (or the united kingdom - uk) had Hong Kong as part of it's empire... With Canada and Austrailia still part of the family nowadays.

American = Omigod! Are you Scottish?!
Scot = Yeah, I'm British.
American = But, you don't sound British...?
Scot = That's cos im feckin Scottish!
American = So... you lied?! You aren't British =P

Scot = *has a spasm attack*GAH!!!!!

by Crimson Charmed Cheeks August 8, 2009

53πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


Word to describe someone who originates from United Kingdom of Great Britain or whom was born of British parents.

Notoriously snobby throughout the world. Also known for their etiquette, polite ways and stiff upper lip.

Definitely the best nationality to be.

Also slang for something very 'proper'. "Very British!"

Better than the French at fighting (the latter couldn't beat a girls' hockey team).

"This is Britain, and everything's going to be all right, it's all okay"

by BJD June 19, 2004

164πŸ‘ 139πŸ‘Ž


Awesome, amazing, lit, wonderful, the best person to have ever existed

You're so British Jonathan

by Airkjd April 17, 2018

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Good, kind, highly intelligent people who are the aborigine of great Britain and not from any colonial state, for example India or Pakistan as these people call them self British when they are trying to claim benefits.

The British are now second class citizens in there own courtiers mainly England, Scotland and Wales. They are also disrespected by the immigrants who came to their green and pleasant land during the 1960’s. They are still getting trodden on by there own government. Any Brit who speaks out against immigration to the little islands is promptly called thashest, racist, xenophobes, of a Nazi, but never a patriot.

The Britain is now greatly disrespected by the countries of Europe that it once sacrificed millions of innocent men and women to liberate from the Nazi occupation so I think they deserve a lot more respect.

"great briatin dont ow the world fuck all"
"Down trodden people who get disrespect from foreigners in their own country"
β€œDescendants of people who originally came from the British Isles”

by micheal smith June 19, 2008

74πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


the british consist of irish, welsh, scottish and english and just like most other races, are all different. some may have yellow teeth but actually i have never noticed this, most of the people i know don't really like tea either. i do know a couple of gays but they rock, i say fuck a lot, am evidently less racist than you, czardoflad, have never said wicked in my life. if colour/color has a correct spelling at all, i spell colour right, americans are the ones who spell it wrong seeing as the american dialect has evolved from english.

a lot of great things have come out of america but czardoflad is not one of them

PS. arse sounds cool i like saying it, ass is a kind of donkey.

by anna January 7, 2005

100πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž