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broken heart

the feeling of being completely humiliated for the pain you feel. mostly when someone betrays you, a relationship ends, or depression stages. being heart broken is completely and absolutely the worst feeling possible of feeling. you feel as if everyone has betrayed you in one way or the other, like you cant trust anyone, like no one cares or understands how you feel. the loss of love. to wish a heart break upon someone is just pure evil. i would wish death or a physical pain on someone before ever wishing a heart break because the pain is so excruciating.

when her boyfriend passed away, she had a broken heart. she knew she'd never find someone like him again. and no one would love her and make her feel as special as he did.

by curious1 October 20, 2010

48πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

broken heart

Is when you fall for someone so hard and think they are going to catch you, but instead you hit the ground. and get back up so you can just see who is willing to catch you.

A little girl riding her bike for the first time. She falls and wants her daddy to catch her but instead she falls, gets a scratch and gets back up and trys again. Maybe not at first but she does try again knowing she might fall. When you get a broken heart you try again.

by ToriW June 23, 2008

397πŸ‘ 231πŸ‘Ž

Broken Heart

The worst thing you could ever imagine. When you feel like you have nothing, betrayed; sometimes depressed,

He gave me a Broken Heart

by laza2toni March 3, 2011

40πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Broken Heart

That feeling when someone you love and care about breaks up with you and breaks your heart. It's a stinging feeling inside and you might feel full of crap. It is the most hurtful thing to do to a girl because most girls are sensitive and don't like it when their heart is broken. I think when someone breaks your heart, it feels like your going to die and you have lost the man/girl for you. You will not want to date anyone else until you know it's the right time and when you have gotten over it. If a girl breaks up with a man, he is probably cool with it because they didn't really love you. If a guy breaks up with a girl they are not cool with it and want to get back together. I will never want my boyfriend to break my heart. I know he wont anyways because he cares about me and wont cheat on me like other boys would(PLAYERS). I know if he would break up with me I would be in crying flames. Because, I love him. His name is Mikey. And if you ever read this Mikey you probably know who I am and I wanna just let you know is that I love you. I love you like you love me Mikey. Don't ever break my heart. I love you.

MIKEY:Hey **(not saying my name)**, I have to break up with you. I'm sorry.

******: But why? Did I do anything?

MIKEY:It's because everyone is picking on me because I'm dating a smarter person than me

******: But, who cares what other people think?

MIKEY: I do. Sorry.

******: Well you should be sorry! YOU JUST BROKE MY HEART! **THINKS: I have a broken heart now....**


**That was an example of what could happen with me and my boyfriend(Possibly yours)**

by Love-o-Love:) May 29, 2014

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Broken Heart

You get a β€œBroken Heart” when you try to give a person the same love that you want someone to give you,But they are happier without you. So you spend all your time trying to make yourself numb because all you wanted was happiness,But you end up β€œBroken Heartedβ€πŸ˜•

β€œHe left me Broken Hearted.”

by Broken Heart June 30, 2018

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

broken heart

When the one who is your whole world suddenly destroys any ounce of self esteem you have left by breaking it off with you to be wit some stanky bitch you hate. He never gives you the real reason of why he left, he makes up every excuse in the book of why it's your fault. Then when you try to be civilwith him he completely ignores you. You're so in love that you have your best friend talk to him because all you want to know is WHY. Then your friend asks why he wouldn't at least be your friend and he makes up the shitty excuse of " because the breakup didn't go well" no shit. I am completely and utterlyin love with yiou and everything was fine until suddenly you woke up and decided to shatter my heart into a million pieces. Then when it's been 2 years and you've been depressed and let yourself go, gaining at least 50 pounds, you haven't even tried getting with other guys because he is the only one you want, and the worst part is, he probably doesn't even know that you still think about him everyday and you still hurt in your heart every second because of him. you see he is happy, he has a new girl,You envyher and you loathehis happiness. You just want him to feel how you feel,worthless of anyone and anything. You try to explain to your friends what your going through and they just don't get it. They tell you everything will be okay eventually. It won't be okay it will never be okay. And you will NEVER get over him.

Person: whatever happened to Miranda?She was such a beautiful, outgoing, happy person!

Best friend: She was perfectly fine until that asshatKyler gave her a damn broken heart.

by Shockey27 June 4, 2013

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Broken Hearted

When you feel the urge to poop. walk all the way down the hallway to the restroom. prop your sweet little cheeks on the seat, and nothing happens.

I thought I had to poop, but when I tried I was broken hearted.

by Wanking the fallen. August 29, 2019

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