Source Code


Buki is the creator/developer of a famous Roblox exploit/executer named Synapse.

Random guy: Hey, Do you know when synapse will be unpatched?
Random guy 2: No, Wait for Buki to update it.

by CoolJack1277 January 27, 2021


she was my best friend. i felt like she was more like a soulmate. sadly, we drifted apart and are not really on speaking terms anymore. she is a really nice person, who has a funny laugh, an alter style and always into funny and witty things. if you meet a Buki, never let her go, she will be an adventure for a lifetime!

Thank you for being friends with me Buki, even if our friendship was over too soon.

by zerozerofourfour November 7, 2020


buki from nr

apl: BUKI 😳

by appellz February 14, 2021


Some dummy thicc boy with small nards

Bukis sure is thicc but he got those small nards doe

by MrSwimGoggles March 29, 2020


A buky is when you muff someone and follow up with an Eskimo kiss.

Bruv: Wow babe, I can't wait to buky you tonight.
Bae: me too ❤️

by kariboo666 July 29, 2018

Fukie bukie

Something that is fake, or bullshit

That watch fukie bukie as fuck.
Sit your fukie bukie ass down somewhere.

by King Fukie September 27, 2018