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The state with thte best mexican food outside of Mexico.

Lets go to California and get some good burritos.

by Clinker May 31, 2008

132๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


California is to the United States as Italy is to Europe.

Both have the following features:
- completely dysfunctional government
- too much debt
- declining economy
- endemic corruption
- beautiful landscapes and coastlines
- agriculture: olives, wine, citrus fruits, cheese, tomatoes
- natives feel it is important to look good
- natives drive like maniacs in heavy traffic but somehow avoid running into each other
- too many illegal immigrants
- rich people with mansions on a cliff overlooking the ocean
- earthquakes and volcanoes
- nice weather, hot in the summer, rain in the winter
- skiing in the mountains
- swarmed by tourists in the summer
- foodies
- Western movies are filmed there

Video: good looking guy or gal with a tan, wearing sunglasses and a very nice shirt, talking on cell phone while driving, says "Ciao", hangs up, changes lanes abruptly. They drive through a run down suburb populated mostly by olive-skinned people with black hair. They drive towards the mountains. The sunlight is dazzling. The landscape is hilly and dry. The car is a BMW 3-series.

Observer A: that must be Italy
Observer B: no, the buildings are new. It is California.

by scoobiedoohoopdiedoodle July 10, 2012

19๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Place with awesome weather.
Got the hot guys(and chicks)


I love california
I miss it

Some guy not from California - Where are you from
California person - California, only the best place ever, you?
Some guy not from California - Oh I grew up in Utah
California Person- haha you suck I feel bad for you

by Sulker March 21, 2006

655๐Ÿ‘ 318๐Ÿ‘Ž


My home state, where it's all at! Much better state than Michigan!

I moved to Michigan with my dad. God, it sucked hard. Michigan sucks. Cali's better! Thank God I moved back!

Kiss my arse, Michigay!

by Sparda April 29, 2005

1204๐Ÿ‘ 628๐Ÿ‘Ž


made fun of by everyone else in the world until they actually come here, then they start flashing the westside symbol and crip walkin and wearing khakis. but all you fake ass motherfuckers cant be us! we got the gangstas, movie stars, terminator(as our governer)hell yeah!, and we got all the illegal mexicans down in the south.

west side till i die, California Love!

the only place to be.

by xTPLx December 11, 2004

817๐Ÿ‘ 422๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Bad decision making, to the point of financial collapse
2. To declare bankruptcy
3. A complete misuse of resources, even while having more resources than others

Jerry, despite making $1 million a year, was so California, that he had to sell himself on the streets to make ends meet.

by Just the facts ma'am April 30, 2013

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A beautiful and diverse state who's literal meaning refers to a Paradise. It is harshly judged by people who either never lived here & base all their ideas about it from MTV reality shows,


Have only visited the more priviledged areas of Southern California ie Orange County, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, L.A, etc. If you choose to limit your visit to the rich area of ANY region, you're going to get snobs & fakes. COMMON SENSE people.

~Newsflash: L.A and San Francisco do NOT represent the whole state and are not the only worthwhile places here.

~We don't all drive Ferraris and freeload off our rich parents. We have POOR people too. You know Hollister? That is just some poor shitty town nowhere near a beach....all you out of staters wearing that stuff thinking it makes you a surfer and cool? It doesnt. It's just a brand that capitalizes off your ignorance.

California is NOT a gigantic beach. We dont all live near the beach . We don't all surf...hell I can't even swim.

All that said, we ARE a beautiful diverse state. And I'd rather be broke here than wealthy anywhere else.

Out-of-Stater: Californians are so fake and snobby and full of fruits
Californian: Well have you been to any part of California besides L.A or San Francisco?
Out-of-Stater: No
Californian: *punch*

by TrinityOfYonderParadise July 3, 2010

32๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž