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Computer callous

A computer callous is located on the heel of your hand, usually the hand you use to move your mouse.

It is usually caused by the heel of your hand being rubbed against the mouse mat for long periods of time, usually during all nighters on the internet.

A computer callous is most often a little more red than your usual skin tone and is quite soft and smooth.

Hoshit, I've been on the computer so long I've aquired a computer callous.

by Hollydollie August 21, 2009

callous indifference

emotionally hardened; not feeling

The meaning of life is callous indifference.

by That one girl from California1 March 30, 2016

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nerd callous

The tough skin that commonly develops on the thumbs of videogamers, as a result of overuse of analog sticks.

Me: "Man, I spent the last 18 hours playing KOTOR 2, and now I've got wicked bad nerd callous..."

by Dahrkthorne May 13, 2006

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Love Callous

Knobby build-up of dead tissue resulting from over-use in activities related to sex.
See also: Margaret's Pootie

Damn! That knob jockey gots one nasty love callous in her jine!

by nemo October 30, 2002

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Callous toe

When your entire toe becomes calloused. Untreatable and symtpoms may be elevated using foot polish.

"Callous toe gives you the urge to be frisky with furniture."

by White Boy18 July 26, 2013

Ninja Callous

An inexplicable, noticeable, callous on any little toe on one's foot which can only seem to be explained by one doing ninja like acts.

You sit and rest one foot on the table. Roommate notices an ugly yellow scab looking thing on the middle toe of your foot.

(Roommate): "Dude! How did you get that callous!?"
(You): "Wtf!? I don't know! It seems like some kind of ninja callous!"

Knowing that you weren't up to any ninja-like activities, you decide to pick at it, then realize its a piece of dead leaf.

by Koo guy March 27, 2012

Camel callous

When mom jeans/shorts have rubbed camel toe repeatedly and callous form on the beef curtains.

Gina had nasty camel callous from the high waist pants so I wasnโ€™t gettin any tonight.

by 1beerlord September 16, 2018