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She is a very, very yellow person!! She's so yellow that if you were in a crowd you could spot her easily! She is also a dog-eater!! She kidnaps dogs and brings them to her home...you should know the rest.

Person: Wow! Look at that crowd!
Person: Wait a minute...who is that?! *they spot a very yellow person*
Person: Oh! I know who it is!! It's Chan!!!

by xXXxSajid_LovexXXxxXX May 8, 2019

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž



verb, channed or chan'd, chanΒ·ing, noun

–verb (used with object)

1. 1. to mix in a confused mass; put or throw together without order: You've channed up all the cards.

2. to put together indiscriminately or confusedly (often fol. by up ).

3. to combine, unite, or join: to chan business and pleasure.

4. to add as an element or ingredient: chan some salt into the flour.

6. to crossbreed.

7. Informal--a mess or muddle; a chan-up.


1. a mixed or disordered heap or mass: a chan of paper clips, rubber bands, and string.

2. a confused mixture; medley.

3. a state of confusion or disorder.

Used exclusively in warehousing and retail operations:

Tom and Joe are working truck at Walgreen's. Joe tosses items from dental totes in with items from food totes. Tom returns. "Wow Joe, you sure channed this one up!"

Sam and Bob are working a seasonal aisle at WAL-MART. Bob begins to stock Christmas, Halloween, and Easter items together on the same shelf. Sam: "BOB! Quit channing seasonal!"

Assistant manager Jack is trying to find a spot for 200 cases of overstock water. He stacks them in an awesome pyramid right in front of the main entrance and customers cannot get in or out. Phil walks up with a sarcastic smile. "Nice chan, jack."

by sarg789 January 15, 2011

3πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Chan-Chan is a synonym for channel by Lucas Cruikshank.

β€œHey it’s Lucas. Welcome back to the chan-chan”

by Hannahna May 26, 2019

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Usually the nickname of the name Chandler.
Chan-Chan is the nickname of a man that almost everyone loves, they are funny, sarcastic, a bit jerkish (but in a good, funny way) and just crazy.

Man 1: "Dude, Chan-Chan is so awesome!"
Man 2: "I know isn't he the coolest!?"

by Lin-Lin April 2, 2008

16πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

chan chan

A term of endearment with an Asian twist to replace or add to the name of a good friend when speaking with them.

1."What time are you coming over today Nici-chan?"

2. "Chan chan! Call me back!"

by Rebecca Bailes March 19, 2008

13πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A person who happens to have the last name Chan as well.

Hey Chan-chan
wait a minute....

by your neighborhood weeaboo January 3, 2019

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Usually plural. A general form for members of image board communities like 4chan, 411chan, 7chan or 711chan. Sometimes used for the group of image board itself.

In the English speaking parts of the world the *chan culture started in 2003 with 4chan.org which was a copy of the Japanese Futaba Channel, a japanese image board set up in 2001. *chan boards provide images and messages about many subjects, mainly video games, manga, anime, drawing & art projects, and lots of pr0n. Ordinarily they do not require registration so anyone can be anonymous. This led to the building of the "Anonymous" culture. Many Anonymous members have been using *chan boards for hoax bomb threats (Stevenson High Threat, NFL Stadium bombing threat), real murder announcements (Jokela High School shooting) the planning of hacking and DDOS attacks (chanology, sohh) in the past years. Some got tracked down and sentenced despite of the anonymity.

*chans unite! (individuals)

0815chan is now part of the *chans. (boards)

by L-Lee July 3, 2008

70πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž